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I made up my mind that the next time Jared tried to seduce me, I would turn him down. I was sick of this fucking bullshit. Who the hell did he think he was? He simply assumed he could use me whenever he wanted and I was supposed to be fine with it. Wrong! We were meant to maintain a professional relationship, but what was happening between us, was anything but professional.

The very first time it happened was on a business trip to New York, six months ago. I was so caught up in the exhilaration of working for a celebrity and all of the perks that came along with it, I wasn't thinking clearly. In all honesty, I probably didn't want to. Jared was so charismatic and it was an enigma how any woman didn't fall head over heels just being near him. We entered the lobby and went straight for the elevators, sharing the ride up with a man and a woman. Jared stood there, expressionless and completely silent. I thought nothing of it, and when he casually walked me to my room, he leaned in closer than usual to say goodnight. I was certain that when he went in for that goodnight kiss, he knew I couldn't resist him. It had been a long, stressful day, full of meetings and interviews, and I was completely exhausted.

Thrown off by his sudden interest, I absorbed every single detail of the moment. His delicate, pink lips gently brushed mine as his citrusy scent filled my nose. When I didn't force him away, he moved in even closer, driving his tongue right into my mouth. Jared took the key card from my hand and opened my door without ever removing his lips from mine. He was so in control, backing me into the room and making my head spin.

In a frenzy, we undressed and tumbled to the bed. He was the exact opposite of what I had anticipated, but definitely not a disappointment. It was safe to say that it was the best sex I'd ever had. Regrettably, when it was over, he simply got dressed, thanked me for a lovely evening and told me that he'd see me in the morning. Lying in bed, I gazed at him, stunned by the sudden shift in his demeanor and even more confused as to what this meant for our working relationship. My brain shuffled through questions until I eventually fell asleep.

The following morning, I skipped breakfast and when I ran into him in the lobby on the way to his nine o'clock appearance, he was all business. He never treated me any differently and we continued with our professional relationship. He continued to date and I kept to myself, believing that what happened between us was just a mistake, a moment of weakness on his part, but then it happened again. This time it was at his house. All of the crew left for the evening and I was the last one there with him. I was lured upstairs as we searched for a missing suitcase. This resulted in me ending up face down into his mattress. He again grew really quiet afterward, and I got dressed and made an excuse to leave. This was becoming a pattern.

It was always the same story, a quick fuck and that was it. He never treated me any differently and I didn't believe that anyone else had even the slightest clue as to what was taking place between us. I wasn't one to kiss and tell, but then again, neither was he. A week after our second encounter, I was to go to an event with him. I stupidly assumed it would be just the two of us, but was let down when his date for the evening showed up. She was younger than me and a complete airhead. Her sparkly dress assured that she would be noticed. The worst part of all was her squeaky voice. Jesus, if I had to listen to that all night I'd hurl myself into oncoming traffic. I was beginning to feel pathetic and used, and it had to end. I promised myself that I would no longer be there for him out of convenience.

So there I was, gathering my belongings and trying to carry on a polite conversation with this brainless blonde he had chosen as his date. Jared was scheduled to attend a charity event and as usual, took longer than any woman I've ever known to get ready. When he eventually made his grand appearance, I sighed, instantly taking in his freshly shaven baby face. It was astounding the way a simple change could make him appear years younger than he actually was. "Well, how do I look?" He spun around and I hadn't even looked at his black suit yet.

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