It Was Always You

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Me: You don't understand how I feel about Him...

Person: Why don't you tell me then? What is so special about this guy that separates him from the rest? Why Him?

Me: *sighs* where do I even start?

Person: How about how you first met him?

Me: Well... I haven't actually met him yet...

Person: What do you mean?

Me: Well... It all started when I was 12. I used to watch nickelodeon like all the time. And one day there was a commercial for this show known as Big Time Rush. I didn't exactly know what the show was about, but it seemed kind of interesting, especially with 4 very cute guys as the main characters. So I kept up with when it would premiere. When it came out, I watched it, and I instantly became in love with it. I would watch it whenever it came on, or if I wasn't able to, I'd record it and watch it when I could. *smiles at the memory* it's funny really. He wasn't the one that caught my eye first.

Person: No?

*I shake my head*

Me: I was interested in his friend, Kendall. He was the leader in the show, the one who knew what to do. So, naturally, I go towards him. Kendall had been my favorite for... about a year, I want to say... But then my feelings changed, and I gradually went to Him.

Person: And what made you change, do you think?

Me: you know, I honestly don't really know to this day... I think it had to do with his looks; he was always adorable in his scenes, very funny too. I guess that's what did it. But, being around 13-14, you don't really think about the deep, important things too deeply, like you do when you're older.

*she nods her head, understanding.*

Person: So, about, what is it, 3, 4 years since you first realized he was "the one," what else have you learned about him that you see in him, and not in other guys?

Me: Well, when I think about Him, I think about that amazing smile of his, those beautiful hazel eyes sparkling whenever he's happy. Unfortunately, I've never actually been able to meet Him or see Him live during his tours, but I see the way he is with all his fans. He, and his band bates Logan, Carlos, and Kendall, are all true people. They haven't once let fame get to them like most people do. They have become inspirations to thousands of girls all over the world. That's one of the reasons why I haven't gotten old of their music or show, they just kind of stay with you, you know?

Person: *she nods with a small smile*

Me: As the days go by, me living my life, Him living his life, I always wonder if I'd ever get the chance to meet Him. Wondering if I'd ever be someone more as just a fan to Him if I ever did, like if I would stick out- in a positive way of course. But just knowing my chances are slim with Him, kind of crushes me inside. And it seems like I am the only one thinking like this, with these feelings for Him, but I also wonder how many other girls are thinking the same thing..

Person: I can understand that... it's tough I'm sure. *she adjusts herself a little* so, what do you think of when you think of Him? Like, what do you dream about?

Me: It's kind of like a little movie that goes on in my head, one of those cute ones with a happy ending kind. I think about what it'd be like meeting Him for the first time... things I might say, and what he'd respond with. Having those moments where I would do or say something embarrassing, covering my face with my hands, and He would just laugh that sweet laugh, taking my hands away, looking me in the eyes, smiling, telling me it was cute. I'll think about what it would be like hanging out with Him, us making each other laugh, doing crazy things together. The many different, romantic ways He could ask me out. All those different dates we would go on, having the time of our lives, neither of us getting tired of each other. I think about what it would be like if I were to go to my senior prom with Him, if that was possible... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that one.

*crosses fingers*

Person: how do you think you can get that to happen? *she asks, trying not to sound sarcastic or mean about it*

Me: Let's just say I have my ways... which may include writing a letter to Santa during Christmas time, and dropping it that mailbox that Macys has every year.

Person: *she smiles* ahh. That is very smart. I wish you all the luck.

Me: *I blush a little* thanks...

Person: *she smiles, waiting for me to continue*

Me: I sometimes, well a lot of the time, think about what it would be like marrying Him, my true love, and what we would be like together as husband and wife. Like I would be making dinner one night, and he would come up behind me, arms wrapped around me, with me smiling as a turn to him, giving him a little kiss, then returning to cooking, and, I don't know, just the little things that everyone wants to happen when they're married, all the little, cute, romantic things. Then it would be like I was going even further into the future, when we have a first child, how cute of a family we would be, me, Him, and our little girl or boy. It just goes on forever...

*I smile at those thoughts, again... Blushing a little*

Person: *she smiles* I think I'm starting to see it.

Me: I know, it sounds crazy, all of this. And I highly doubt I'd be the first to think of these things. But, it's not the fame that draws me to Him. It's just him that does. And I know, being like 6 or 7 years apart would just be weird for him, at least for right now, but I believe that if we were given the chance, it could work... Maybe...

Person: You doubt your confidence with all of this...?

Me: I do it all the time... it's what keeps reality in, unfortunately...

Person: What would you do if your dreams with being with Him came true?

Me: Then I'd be the happiest and luckiest girl alive.

Person: Would you like to reveal who this angel of yours, is?

Me: *says shyly* the man I'm in love with is James David Maslow.

It Was Always You~ A James Maslow Love Story[DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Where stories live. Discover now