Prologue | Reality

34 6 4

July 6, 2005

"Mama!" Britt's small voice echoed through their apartment. "Can I go play with my friend?"

"Yeah sure baby. Don't be long!" Her mother shouted warning her.

"Yes ma'am." A huge small plastered on her face.

Britt skipped her way down the street, towards her friend, Zae. His back was faced backwards towards her, and she tapped him. He turned around and cheesed at her.

"My mommie told me not to be long. Let's go play."She blushed, eyeing Zae.

"C'mon, let's go by the park." He ensured her.

"That's too far from my house, I might get in trouble." She mumbled, bitting her nails.

"It'll be fine. I'll make sure ya' home before it's dark."

Britt played with her hand's, deciding if she should or not. She shrugged her shoulder's and told him "Okay let's go."

They both ran down the street towards the park. Britt jumped on one of the swings and began to push her body back and forwards on the swing. She watched as Zae hop onto the other swing and began to swing faster than her.

"Ahaha, I'm higher than you." He teased her, sticking his small tongue out at her.

"NO! I'll swing even higher!" She screamed laughing.

She started to swing higher than him, watching as he mugged her. Her eyes slowly looked over to see 3 men approaching them. She ignored them and kept swinging. She looked over at Zae and smiled. Zae hopped off the swing and she did the same.

"It's almost time for me to go home." She told him, dusting off her pants.

"Zae bring yo ass here!" One of the men called out angrily.

Britt jumped from the voice, and stared at Zae. Zae slowly walked over to the man, with fear in his eyes. The man roughly grabbed Zae by his collar, and picked his chin up.

"Yo ass still out here! Nigga it's fucking 6 o'clock." He guy mushed his face, causing Zae to stumble to the ground.

"You don't have to do him like that!" Britt shouted, angrily.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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