The Plane Ride

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I arrive to the terminal late, what a surprise, but luckily the plane has not departed yet. They let me on the plane, and shockingly my assigned seat is not taken. I only have a carry-on bag, so I put it under my seat and sit down. A few moments later we depart from the terminal. The person sitting next to me looks at me for a second then asks:

"What are you flying to St. Louis? "

A huge smile comes across my face, then I turn to the person and my jaw drops.

"T-to go to one of your concerts..."

She smiles.

"I figured you were a fan because of your choker."

She winks at me, and my face turns red. I go to awkwardly cover my face and she grabs my hands, 

"Don't you dare cover up your adorable face."

I blush even more, she then asks me what my name is.

"Max, well it's actually Madison, but I go by Max."

She smirks, "Okay, Max. What kind of ticket do you have for my show?"

I pull it out and show it to her. She chuckles, "This will NOT do." She pulls out a front row seat ticket and a back stage pass. My jaw drops, 

"No fucking way...I-I don't know if I can accept this." She laughs and puts them in my bag, "You can and you fucking will." I blush and hug her while on the verge of tears. She hugs me back and tells me how cute I am.  

A few hours later we arrive at our destination. As we exit the plane together she turns to me and asks me where I'm staying, so I told her, "Just at a cheap local hotel, if you couldn't tell by the ticket I bought myself, I'm pretty fucking poor."

She chuckles, "You are so cute, you're staying with me, my guards will escort us there, I've already informed them that you will be with me most of the time I am here." 

"O-okay..." I can't believe this, Billie FUCKING Eilish is letting me stay with her.

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