When Death Awaits You in Harad

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Dedicated to my mom and NoctusFury brother who loves these beans more than me and helped with researching, as well as GerithorDunedain for holding such a fantastic contest! I'm excited to read the entries for this one. Thank you for letting me join! ^^


 The full moon was stark white against the blue-black night, bleaching the sand, making the water sparkle and blanketing the palms and scraggly shrubs in a still, blue light. The Cloaked One stepped lightly on the sand, one hand holding an old lantern glowing dimly with a flameless white light. In the other hand a silver lead-rope. The grey dappled stallion stepped more deftly than his companion, his eyes on the water. The oppressive heat of the day was gone but that in no way made the cool water less desirable.

The duo reached the pool of water, and the silhouette slid the lead-rope off the stallion's neck as he eagerly dipped his head for a long drink, sending white ripples that disturbed the perfect reflection of the moon. A breeze, higher than could be felt, danced through the trees rattling the palm leaves. The hood that shielded the face looked around, holding the lantern out, it revealed nothing but sand as far as the light would reach. The Cloaked One looked up to the stars. The stars blinked down at the hooded stranger and the stranger blinked back.

The stallion lifted his grey muzzle and nudged his companion's shoulder. A delicate hand stroked his back as a low hum danced up and down octaves in a flute-like manner. The hum filled the space and the trees rustled as though playing a similar tune.

The Cloaked One left the stallion by the pool and padded to the cluster of palms, humming. Holding a rolled-up mat and lantern that forced the shadows back, the traveler observed the surroundings. The front and sides of the desert haven showcased the palms and prickly bushes, in the center featured the blue-green watering hole. Towards the back were broad-leafed bushes, thick and lush, with vine creepers hanging off low boughs, with small, purple flowers peeking out of green foliage.

The stallion trotted away from the pool and halted, ears pricked forward he sniffed the air and his tail flicked behind him. There was a loud rustling sound, like an animal in the underbrush. The humming, like the figure, stopped. The lantern was held out towards the bushes. Nothing. The palms blocked the light of the moon, so only the lantern illuminated the leaves, sparse grass, and fragrant night flowers.

The foliage waved and snapped as the Shadow broke through the blue-green fronds like a wounded boar. The Cloaked One took a step back, releasing hold of the rolled mat which dropped and sank into the sand. A free hand reached inside the cloak and held the hilt of the hidden blade. Ready.

The Shadow charged and as it did, the lantern became a blinding beacon that forced the something, or someone, to halt and hiss in pain. The Cloaked One dimmed the lantern's light gradually and the Shadow faded to a man shielding his eyes with one hand as a scabbard hung limply at his side. The stallion trotted forward, snorted at him, shook his mane and trotted back to his aquatic reflection, splashing it with his hooves.

"Who are you?" The man croaked, his voice sounded thick with drink or sleep?

"I am Tànë," a firm, feminine voice replied. She removed the hood, her dark hair falling across her shoulders. The lantern lit up the upper half of her face; light tan skin, and dark eyes.

The man tilted his head as though to look past the glare of the lantern, to see better. "Did my uncle send you?"

"I was sent by no one." She replied. "What is thy name?"

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