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Guille knocks on front door

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Guille knocks on front door.

Guille: Juliana?


Juliana: calm down. I'm coming.

Guille: wow. you look beautiful, my love. We need to get going. My driver is waiting.

Juliana: oh stop it! I'm nervous. I don't need to be rushed too!

Guille: and why are you worried. You look amazing.

Juliana: I'm not sure about this dress. I should change. Hold on!

Guille: there's nothing to be nervous about. You have an impeccable sense of style and that dress is amazing!!!

Juliana: from how you describe your sisters I'm imagining two beautiful sophisticated women. So as you can imagine I'm already very intimidated by the two of them without having to meet them yet.

Guille: aí, baby. Calm down. Eva will be something else, but Vale will welcome you with open arms. I promise.

Juliana: Great so Eva already might hate me.

Guille: I didn't say that.

Juliana: she's the one that's overwhelmingly stubborn and protective right?

Guille: she takes the older sibling role a little too serious.

Juliana: part of me thinks you're just as scared of her.

Guille: I want them to see you as I do. Just perfect and beautiful.

Juliana: aww. I'd kiss you but I don't want to ruin my lipstick.

Guille: so I can't kiss you at all tonight?

Juliana: not until you bring me back to my place after meeting your family.

Guille: Que? I have to wait till the end of the night?

Juliana: sí. Besides I don't like kissing in front of strangers. It makes me uncomfortable and it's something I don't enjoy seeing either.

Guille: fine. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Are you close to being done though?

Juliana: just zip my dress please?

Guille: no problem. Come here. By the way. Why is your apartment a lot more masculine than I was expecting?

Juliana: This apartment was one of my dads. I just took over the lease and haven't wanted to remodel this one. He calls this duplex his American home.

Guille: I see.

Juliana: it's a calm peaceful place, but you're right. It's not me. That's why I love it like this.

Guille: we will have to explore your place more later. We really need to go. I don't want to keep my family waiting.

Juliana: you're right. I'm okay. Let's go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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