Entry 1

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Well today, like any other day, was so boring o my gosh let me tell you I had to do math and a whole bunch of it,you know it never made sense to me why people needed to develop the most complex way to put numbers together, I mean seriously now,dat stuff hard.

Have you ever wondered why beauty sleep is so important??hmmm I can see the curiosity on your face or you could saying, like seriously now everyone knows that one,duh. Well you haven't heard my version of the story yet. Now let me clear my throat and begin,
It twas a long day ago when man was first created .....and that's about as far as I got on my theory because its ll:19 and who can focus on focus at that time of the night depending on what's on netflix.

Mondays = pure hell and torture

Tuesday = still having a pity party be cause I had to wake up in the first place.

Wednesdays = I'm starting to cheer up a little bit,but still slightly grouchy

Thursdays = now im super excited I have a whole three day weekend(I think I must have forgot to tell you I only got to go to school 4 days a week life is good)

Fridays = sleep in ,sleep in some more then get up at 12:00 and thank God I'm not like the billions of kids having to go to school on Fridays ,I'm just saying that be freaking harsh.

Saturdays = sleep in again wake up and hang with my friends or family

Sundays = church ,lunch,netflix ,church again,then......wait for it, wait for it, Homework. Was it as exciting waiting to see what I was going to put down as you thought it would be??!

You know, life likes to throw some pretty hard curveballs at you. You think you got everything figured out and then BAM you get knocked on your butt trying to figure out what happened. Yeah I know how your feeling it happens to me all the time. I have this guy I was crushing on and turns out he likes me back so we did the typical thing we got together we dated for a whole freaking year before guess what
He Cheated On Me !!!! This is real life happenings here by the way.

Oh anyway have I even introduced myself.
Nope I guess not, well here is my introduction

Name: sweetheart360y(you didn't think I would reveal my actual name did you !?

Age:?? It shall work for now

Height : 5'8 I'm fairly taller than most

Weight: ???

Birthday: April 23

Description: I'm tall as I done said,um a pretty toned skin,frightening Brown eyes that turn green as soon as I'm mad and I mean mad( did I mention I have anger issues ) Im not skinny but I'm not fat.
I love to read ,swim,watch netflix ,play tennis,and just hang out with my friends and that's about all I can think of for now.

Do you have anger issues, you technically don't have to answer that but anyway I do it mainly flares up when people nag me about my weight, and I also hate being nagged. Its pretty cool though to have a superpower eye color changing don't you think.

Oh well ill try to make the next chapter more interesting but its 11:49 and I just gotta get my beauty sleep you know

Loves to you all,

P.s. I'm just writing this for fun, and I hope you enjoy if you do it couldn't hurt you to comment or vote.

    I'm just writing this for fun, and I hope you enjoy if you do it couldn't hurt you to comment or vote

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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