An Oath

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An Oath

Perseus Jackson relished in the feeling as his blade slipped through the goddess' defense, cold steel piercing her heart. In hopes of ending it there, the demigod twisted the sword, before pulling it out, watching as the spark of life left the eyes of his opponent.

The goddess fell to her knees, a hand struggling to reach the hole in her breast, before finally, she passed, leaving an exhausted demigod, and the body of Earth itself.

Percy quickly turned around, dispelling the hurricane he had created in the fight, only to give a choked cry of anguish at the scene before him.

The gods had failed to answer their pleas, failed to come to the rescue of their dying children, whether it be Greek or Roman.

Laying in the field of golden dust, were his six companions. Five people he had spent the past few months getting to know, becoming friends, were dead. But none of that mattered to Percy.

Closest to him, lay a girl, her bloodied blonde hair splayed out around her head, as if she were an angel. The son of the sea slowly stumbled over to her, before dropping to his knees and pulling the girl into his lap.

"Annabeth..." Percy choked, cradling the daughter of Athena in his arms, his body bent over her, as of trying to protect the already fallen girl.

The Son Of Poseidon has promised himself he would never cry. It was something that leaders couldn't do, and so he never did. Not when his companions passed or left. Not when he was hurt. He never cried.

Until today. Holding the girl close, a lone tear slowly slid down his face, followed by another, and another, until he was freely crying. It quickly turned into sobs, his whole body shaking from the guilt and anguish.

He had let all of them die. It was his fault they had been killed. He needed to be stronger, faster, he needed to change. No longer could he be the goofy son of Poseidon. It cost him his friends and the love of his life. No, he would be like the heroes of old. A killer, cold and uncaring. He would save them all.

"Give me the chance to redo everything, and I will save them all, even if it costs me my life. I swear it on the Styx."

And with those last words, the son of the sea disappeared in a cloud of ocean mist.

Just a sneak peak at something I may or may not write. The idea is based off of Shattered by VCRxFics, but I will give it my own twists and turns.

Hope it is something that will interest you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2019 ⏰

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