The Day

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The day you turn your weaknesses into strengths 

Will be  the day you achieve growth

The day you listen to positive criticism 

Reflect and learn from it 

Will be the day you mature

The day you stop compromising yourself

Doing things to please others

Will be the day you get your pride and  confidence back

The day you stand up for yourself 

Will be the day people take you seriously

The day you get rid of toxic relationships/friendships

Will be the day you actually find people that appreciate you

The day when you start voicing your opinions 

Will be the day people notice and listen  to you

The day you stop procrastinating 

Will be the day you actually get things done on time

The day you stop doubting yourself 

The skills,gifts and talents you have

Will be the day you get courage to work on your dreams

The day you learn from your mistakes 

Will be the day you overcome failure and achieve success

The day you accept that you are not perfect 

You are free to make your own decisions and choices

Will be the day you will become absolutely happy


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