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"Shit, did you feel that?"

Paul and Tord were laying on their bed, finally winding down for the day, now giving some attention to their unborn child. Tord had his hand near the bottom of his stomach, Paul's hand next to his.

"Yes, Paul. It's happening inside of me." Tord said in a slightly annoyed tone. "This is every day."

"They get it from you." Paul snorted, watching a little foot press out. The other foot followed suit, Tord grunting in response. He moved his hand over to rub it.

"You're fucking right." He agreed, making Paul smile. He leaned over and kissed his husband softly, feeling the Norwegian's lips curl into a smile. Paul pulled away again to put his hand on top of Tord's, giving him a smile.
"The boys have been pretty quiet." He noted. Usually their seven and five year old boys were bouncing off the walls.

"Maybe they fell asleep." Paul suggested. He lifted his eyes for a second after there was a loud bang from the living room. "Or maybe they're throwing things against the wall. You know, normal shit."

Tord let out a chuckle, rubbing his eyes with his palms. "I'm so fucking tired."

"Me too." Paul said, laying back down with a huff. A second later, the door flew open, Paul nearly falling off the bed in alarm. He sat up to watch their youngest, Micha, running toward the bed while screaming. His older brother, Joël, followed suit, holding a foam sword over his head.

"I HAVE YOU NOW, HEATHEN!" Joël yelled as Micha leaped onto the bed. He stabbed his younger brother under his arm, the five year old falling back on the bed with an 'ack'.

"I'm dead, Papa." Micha whispered, looking at Tord with one eye opened.

"I know, I just witnessed your murder." Tord snorted, sitting up a bit. "Don't you two think it's a little late to be playing so rough?"

"No." Joël said, flopping onto his back next to his brother.

"Fair enough."

Joël tossed his toy sword on the floor, rolling to face his parents. "When the new baby comes, I'm gonna teach him these sick moves." He said. "Then we can both kick Micha's butt." The boy smiled wide, his brother pouting in response.

Paul snorted slightly. "Him? What if the new baby is a girl?"

"I mean, I guess." Joël said. "But you got two boys already, it's probably gonna be another boy."

"The probabability is high." Micha added. Tord covered his mouth, holding back a laugh. He locked eyes with Paul, the other shaking his head lightly. The look he gave him said Don't laugh at him, he's trying his hardest. It only made Tord want to laugh harder.

Paul squinted at him for a second before looking back at his sons. "I don't think that's how it works, son."

Joël shrugged before scooting his way up to lay between his parents. At that second, he looked down at Tord's stomach to see the baby kick again. "Ewww, that's weird." He said, poking the foot carefully. "Papa, does that hurt when he does that?"

"No, not really." Tord lied. It did hurt sometimes.

Paul gave him another look. That's not what he was saying twenty minutes ago.

Joël was more than ecstatic to feel his new sibling kick underneath his hand, a wide smile on his face. This melted Tord's heart. He glanced over to his younger son to see him sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hva er galt, kjærlighet?" He asked, Paul looking over to see their son as well.

Micha was quiet, looking over Tord. "... Is the baby a alien?" He questioned.

Tord held back another laugh. Come on, keep yourself together. "Nei, the baby is a little person. Why-Why would you ask that?" He asked, voice cracking ever so slightly. He could feel Paul's eyes on him.

"Because the baby kicks hard and it looks like that scary movie you watched." Micha said. "The alien movie."

"Oh, son. That was just a movie." Tord told him, sitting up. "The baby isn't an alien, I promise."

"You promise promise?" Micha asked.

"I promise promise."

Micha looked at his parents and his brother for a few seconds before crawling closer. He sat down in front of Tord and looked between his face and his belly hesitantly before he slowly and reluctantly put his hand on the bump.

"See?" Paul spoke, ruffling his son's hair a bit. "It's not that bad."

The young boy was about to agree when the baby moved, basically doing a full roll, almost knocking the breath out of its poor father.

Joël let out a 'cool!' while Micha slowly burst into tears, wailing as he scooted away from Tord. Paul picked him up and stood up from the bed, leaving the room to console him. He knew what was coming next.

Tord burst into hysterical laughter in the bedroom, covering his face as he collapsed in on the bed. Joël joined in on the laughter.

Paul brought his son into the room he shared with Joël, sitting the sobbing child on his bed.

"Papa lied!" He wailed loudly, Paul inhaling through his nose.

"Papa didn't lie. The baby isn't an alien. They just have a successful football career ahead of them." He said with a smile, earning a slight giggle from the boy. Micha sniffled and rubbed at his eyes, starting to calm down.

"So the baby isn't a alien? Papa is gonna be okay?" Micha asked with a hiccup, his caramel brown eyes still glistening with tears.

Paul ruffled the boy's hair again, smiling softly. "Papa is gonna be okay."

Micha finally smiled and hugged his father around the waist, burying his head in his chest. Paul kissed the top of his head, hugging the boy back. He picked up his son, carrying him back to the bedroom to see Tord had fallen asleep. Joël had as well, laying in Paul's spot on the bed. Paul sighed softly but smiled, putting Micha on the bed.

Micha crawled over to Tord quietly, sitting down in front of him. After a moment, he leaned his head down and kissed his stomach. He had a wide smile on his face as he curled up in between his father and brother, pulling the covers up over himself.

Paul smiled warmly at his sleeping family. He smiled, even though this meant that he would have to sleep in his favorite spot, at the foot of the bed. His favorite spot, where his legs would hang over the side of the bed. Where his beloved husband would continuously kick him in the head through the night while he slept.

But he didn't mind and he wouldn't change it for the world.

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