The Man in the Moon

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The Man in the Moon

Read just as a fairytale, told to a simple little girl.

There in front of her deer like eyes

The world was in motion.

Astonished, bemused, although content.

A man she believed lived on the moon

Yes, the man that lived on the moon.

He was so distantly magical


The man in the moon relished, sitting right on the lower crust, as he would smile something handsome.

A smile that emitted across the world

With blossomed cheeks blushing radiantly into the open window of this once simple girl.

She fancies

If perfect were to exist

Then this would be perfection at its most potent instants.

A love so pure

Tiffs with a four-second rebound.

Hands intertwined once again.

Up, up and away

The chilled metal buckets, coarse although enlivening

Its spinning wheel, tempestuous.

Here to visit the heart of this oh so dreamy rapture.

She flies as if an angel with newly given wings

Snow white, covered in feathers that glistened upon all.

So it felt.

Night, dark

Stars brilliantly shinning along the luminous shoreline.

Mouths inhale the cool yet salty Pacific air.

It had a sense of fresh, as it was acquainting.

They look into each other's smitten eyes

Deep but softly


All other existence dissipates, for that sole moment.

Adrenaline pumping to the beat of a hummingbird's heart rate

Arriving at the top, thrashing

As if the small world below were just a mere imprecise dream.

With its monopoly board like appearance, such diminutive shapes

And a kiss that awaits.

It looms anticipation

Right before their lips would gently meet

A bang attends to all ears.

The sky filled with erupting shades

Lights animated, in the smiling October moon.

Silence, beauty, adrenaline, and chaste love

All in one single chaotic, content moment.

Yes the man in the moon

He was flawlessly magical.

He must have lived right dab here

Sealed with a kiss.

Then, now and always

Goodnight my darling.

J.D Marcano, September 2014

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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