Part One: The Beginning

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         One day in kindergarten, there was a tiny little girl named Sarah. Sarah was a normal 5 year old, but a times, she could be a little scary. And one day, Sarah was walking down the hall and bumped into some random boy. When Sarah got up she looked at the boy. '' I am so sorry. I did not mean to do that.'' said the boy."I know." Sarah said. "I'm Steven, Steve Huete." said Steven. After the two talked,they walked down the hall to get to class. as school had let out, Sarah had made a new friend, a secret new crush, Steven.
                                                                                                              *13 YEARS LATER*
It's been a while since Sarah and Steven have talked, but things have changed, Sarah and Steven are both now 18 years old. So as for the two, they have both been accepted into college.And so Sarah has gotten settled in her dorm and has gotten dress for the first day of class... When Sarah arrives to class, she finds a seat in the back of the room and sets he stuff down, and before she sits down, she goes to sharpen a couple of pencils. When Sarah was getting ready to sit someone bumped into her shoulder but is then stopped by a strong grip and manages not to fall. As Sarah leans up, she notices a familiar face, but yet like 100% more hot. "Steven is that you" Sarah asks. "Yeah it's me, and also, we gotta stop meeting like this." Steven says. *They both laugh*

"So, how are you doing?" Steven asks. "I'm doing great. How are you?"asks Sarah. "I'm good, even though we just started college, I'm so ready to lea..." Steven is cut off by a voice. "Good morning class, I am Mr.Hill, Gregory hill, and I a you science professor. Now everyone take your seats. Today, we are just going to get to know everyone here. So let's start from that side of the room... when everyone else finished (including Sarah) It was a very hot guys turn. "Hi, um...I'm Zach and I love music. Music is my passion" says Zach. Once Zach went, Sarah just couldn't get over how hot he was, and the fact that he love music just make it a whole lot better. But Sarah thought to herself," But Steven has always been my crush, and still is, what now...."
To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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