Prolouge (OUTDATED)

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(P/n stands for "Puppy Name"!)

Miles and his dad, chuck, walked out to the car, Sarah was waiting for him with their new dog P/n. Miles turned to face his dad. "You sure you'll be alright without me?" Miles asked. Chuck turned to face him. "I'll try." Chuck shrugged. "Are you going to get arrested..?" He questioned Miles. "Problably not." Miles replied bluntly. "Hey, come here" Chuck whispered as he embraced his son into a hug. They let go of eachother and Miles walked towards the car. "Don't write me." Chuck told his son as he hopped into the front seat. "Don't worry I wont." Miles replied. "And don't send me any pictures either." Miles tossed his things into the car's back seat. "See you, Chuck!" Sarah gleefully yelped. "See you, Sarah." Chuck replied with a smile. "Take care of the boy, will you?" He pointed at P/n. "Have fun at art school." Sarah began petting P/n. "I will!" She giggled. "And make sure he goes to class once in a while!" Chuck chuckled. "Did you forget anything?" Sarah asked Miles as he buckled up. "Problably." Miles joked. He turned to Sarah. "You?" He asked. "Definitely!" Sara laughed as she put the car keys in the ignition. Chuck waved to the couple as they drove off.

Miles, Sarah, and P/n were all sitting on the beach. Sarah had handed Miles a letter that they had received. He opened it to see a short note that read; "This yours? -dad" Miles put down the note and shook out the other item in the package, AXL's fingerprint reader. Sarah and Miles looked at eachother. "Do you remember this?" Miles asked Sarah, holding up the fingerprint reader. "Of course." Sarah replied. Miles looked down at the mysterious object. "...should I do it?" Miles questioned. Sarah nodded in response. He pressed his fingerprint down onto the metal plate. A few moments of silence passes before suddenly, "Y-Y-YO, S-SEND IT." In a robotic, glitchy voice crackles through both Miles, and Sarah's phone. They both pulled their phones from their pockets and looked at the screens. The AXL app was still on the phone, working perfectly fine as if AXL was never destroyed. Sarah, eyes widened, looked up at Miles. "It's him!"

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