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Juliet was no ordinary girl. She was rather peculiar, in fact, most kids at her old school couldn't tell her gender. She would claim that she was damaged, but none believed her. They thought she was to young to be like that. They would burst into laughter thinking that she hasn't got a clue of what it's like to be damaged. But she was more than just damaged, she was depressed. Everyday, kids at her school would make fun of her, they would physically bully her, and even try to convince adults that she's not human. One day, she was sitting alone at the swing. A few girls came up to her, and began teasing her and throwing rocks. Juliet let out a blood curdling scream, but the girls would just laugh. She began running, which lead to sprinting away from the girls, though the girls would just chase her. As one of them threw a big rock at her, she tripped and hit her head. It was over. The girls leaned forward, and saw a dent in her skull, then they ran away in fear.

A few years later, one of the girls came up to Juliet's grave, and left some flowers. The girl was all grown up and married, but when her husband came to pick the girl up, all he could see is her arm, and a sign written in blood which read "Remember Me? I'm The Freak You Hated. Ready to die?".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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