Chapter : 1

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So I don't really know what it's like to be a person that absolutely loves every social setting that is presented to them.
As a professional introvert, it's more so one of my biggest pet peeves instead of being something I enjoy.

Sure, avoiding conversations at any cost brings me great joy, but this is the case only when the chances of small talk being the only conversation ticket left is clear. Other than that, deep conversations that have meaning and help create ideas and bonds are definitely the interesting ones I look forward to.

Unfortunately, for some reason the world simply doesn't seem to understand this. Although misunderstood, multiple times a day, I think that this series should throw some light on the way our introverted brains are wired. No we aren't weird or rude, we are just different and that's okay!

Here are a few things that I would like to clear out for the world from my side, my introverted perspective.

Please don't take it personally if I avoid eye contact after seeing you across the room, or street, or anywhere for that matter. I just don't want to end up getting caught up in a conversation I don't want to be in at that moment. It's not even a problem that I have with you. It's just me wanting me time.

Don't sweat over an unanswered phone call, I was probably just caught so off guard and that just  lead me to not picking the call up. Honestly, it's nothing personal don't worry! A good suggestion would be to text before you call and just tell us the main reason for you calling over text. That should be good enough for us mentally prepare ourselves to pick the call.

Don't ask us if we are shy. Sure some of us are shy and happen to be introverted, but that doesn't go with all of us. It's almost as though it's okay to ask you guys if you are going to be loud and obnoxious because you are an extrovert, just because some of you are that way. Don't put notions and labels on us. We have it rough already.

Although these are somethings that should be taken into account we are sorry for seeming rude. We honestly don't want to seem rude or uninterested about anything, it's just that we end up with a poker face and don't even realise it.. that is the sad reality.

Well that's it for the education in this chapter, I'll see you around more often then.

Signing off~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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