The Last Horse out of Lisbon

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Lisboa, Portugal, Andalusian Empire, in the year of Our Lord 1530.







Tremor! Again? No!

Now this was scaring him. Things had been quiet for decades. Now was the town shaking again? Should he do something--?




Hey, silly boy!




Fear turned to anger. Somehow he knew, some kind of sound she had made just then... Or... He looked at her face. He understood horses didn't exactly smile, but there was something about the set of Branca's mouth, and that odd noise, almost a chuckle...

Then she kicked the back of the stall a third time, and after a moment of anger he couldn't help laughing.




Sorry, kid.

Hey, guess what! I'm just happy!

I mean, today was fun! All around the city, crowds cheering us. The carriage in tiptop shape. All four of us horses gorgeous. All four of us proud. The Mayor happy. His wife happy. Waving to everybody. We were so excited!

Very nice. Verynice. Who knows what it was for? Who cares? Just lots of fun. And now... Some nice fresh hay to eat. And the stall all cleaned out. The other girls happy. All brushed down.

Then Tadeu comes over. Whistling. As usual. I really like the kid. A lot. Cute for a human. Tall. Well built. Dark hair. Muscular chest. Flat tummy. Nice big eyes. Dark eyes. Big lashes. Almost long as mine.

OK, not the brightest human around here. Like, he falls for that thump trick every time! He thinks the ground moved.

Silly boy, the ground can't move.

Okay. Enough of that. Now time to.. slow... down.... and..... act...... stupid.......




He had to admit he was very proud of the way Branca had behaved at the Mayor's birthday celebration. No histrionics, no drama, just pull and prance grandly with the others, all very coordinated. He was really very relieved; she was finally learning. Maybe his father might actually let him keep her!

He got past his annoyance at her little joke, spoke gently to her, and brushed her down carefully and methodically, just the way she liked. He could feel her calm and her satisfaction.

Esmeralda, Adriana and Rafaela were already taken care of; Branca liked to be last. His father was in the main house drinking with his buddies, so Tadeu could take some time for himself. He pulled up a chair near her stall, where it always seemed more comfortable, and opened the book to the next chapter.




Ah...Back to the book. Latest saga. Anglia. King Arthur. Anglish knights. Delightful shenanigans. Such fun. Now listen to Tadeu read. Careful. Just let him go. At his own pace. Don't be bored. Don't disturb him! No more thumps. Don't push him to read faster. Don't poke around in his mind. He gets all antsy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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