Chapter One - Headache

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Many moons ago, too many to count, the Moon Goddess blessed 12 different families. Those 12 families soon became packs; these packs were given special names. The packs were: Potens, Venandi, Vindemiat, Scientia, Gratia, Ignis, Terra, Integritate, Campi, Purus, Flos, and Natura.  Some names having more meaning than others. This blessing was a gift. The gift to be half wolf and half man. They could go from man to wolf when ever they pleased, but to thank her every month on the full moon they'd be more wolf than man.

Every werewolf anticipated they're first change.

When mine didn't happen I was devastated. All my friends changed I didn't. I had strong blood, I was from a Beta family. It didn't make sense. The Pack Doctor said my wolf is dormant and might come out in the future, but the chances of that were slim. I had some werewolf like senses and abilities, such as my sense of smell or even my strength, not as strong as someone with a wolf of course.

Ever sense the day I turned 16 I wondered if the Moon Goddess didn't love me. Of course I never said out loud. That would make people look down on more than they already for not shifting.

Wondering the paths of my pack village by foot was normal for me. I was used to wolves rushing past me. It was an everyday occurrence. They paid no mind to me; even though sometimes I envied them slightly. Who know you miss something you never had.

Things started to change by the time I was 21. I felt something awaken inside of me, every now a stir in the back of my mind. I just brushed it off thought of it as simply nothing. It happened more when my father and mother told me about this ball for the 12 packs of the world.

Of course I wanted to go. The was rumor was the ball was only happening because the Alpha of the Potens Pack has yet to find his mate. Thinking about that Alpha made something stir inside of my head. I didn't think anything of it, it's not like I'd find a mate anyway. My reasoning for going was a chance to dress up.

4 Moons Till The Ball

"Renan! Hurry up we need to go pick up your dress!" My mother, Willow, shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay Ma! Just let me grab something." I told her, as I pulled my jacket on.

Damn, this headache will not go away. I've as much Aspirin as I possibly. The human stuff always works on me. It's as if hadn't taken the pill to begin to with, strange.

As walked down the stairs my headache grew worse. Then my father, Roman, turned the TV on and I jumped at the sound of the TV, cringing at the sound till my ears adjusted. The jump cause my father to glance at me but then go back to watching whatever is on.

"I'm ready Ma." I told her as I grabbed my water bottle fill it up. I've been drinking water like crazy, I'm surprised I haven't turned into a fish yet.

"Ma do you have anything strong for headaches? I have a headache but it's turning into a migraine."

"Yes, in the medicine cabinet. Only take half a pill though I'm not sure how it will effect you. I'll meet you in the car." My mother said finishing off the braid in her dark brown hair.

I walked over to the medicine cabinet and opened the door gently, or at least I thought it was gentle. The cabinet door came off the hinges and a screw flew off and hit me in the forehead.

"Ow!" I grumbled blaming the screw for hitting me in the face and the door for breaking. That was when my father started to crack up watching the whole thing. I scrunched my nose but then took some deep breaths, knowing it's nothing to be upset about.

Dad walked over to me with amusement in his green eyes. Then he took the door said, "I got it don't make your mom wait." I nodded and walked out to the car and opened the backseat door and got in.

"Hey Ma, do you know of anyone else who is going to ball?" I asked her softly

"Yes, Alpha Jamison's son is going to the ball along with some pack members as well." Oh great, the Alpha's son, Leo, is coming. He and I dated back in high school but he broke off our senior year when he realized I was never going to shift. That's what I was told at least maybe he wanted to wait for his mate, though we do fool around sometimes. The pack members that are going are a few years younger than I. All of my friends are either mated, human, or another kind of supernatural. None of witch has use going to the ball.

I was snapped out of thought when Ma turned her car off. I got out the car and very softly the door closed not wanting a repeat of earlier.

"Your dad told me what happened with the cabinet door it's fine that thing was old anyways. Is there anything that you need for toilet tree bag? We can stop at Walmart on the way home if needed.

I chuckled softly, "Thanks Ma, I am good actually I'm all ready to fly out tomorrow night.  Cheyenne and I are going to go get dinner tonight she wants to tell me something before we leave." Then I smiled, "I think I know what it is too"

"Okay, well be back at reasonable time. Remember you need your rest for tomorrow."

We entered the seamstress to pick up my dress and make any alterations. After we finished we headed back to house.

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I hope you enjoy the first chapter! Let's hope this book doesn't become one of my many one chapter wonders.

Bye Peoples! Until next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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