chapter one

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'Half way through senior year.. just a semester left to go, you can do this' the young blonde told himself. He was drifting off in his own imagination.

"felix Lee" said the substitute teacher

Felix didnt hear his name being called, until his friend, Jisung Han poked at Felixs shoulder "dude, snap out of it"

"i-uh- here.." Felix said, as he looked down. He wiped his eyes, looking up at jisung "whats your problem today? you seem off?" Jisung tilted his head.

"im tired, its a Friday morning, and we are graduating in less than a year" felix shrugged, then continued "i guess its just a Friday morning, and I want school just to be over"

"I guess that makes sense" 

they both continued small talk throughout the class. The day seemed slow, incredibly slow. Nothing really seemed to happen, besides small talk, thats how it always seemed. The last period bell finally rang. Felix was walking by himself down the hall, another friend of his saw him and ran up to him. His name was Jeongin yang; "lixxie!" he said with a giggle, that was his little nickname for Felix. Felix looked over, seeing Jeongin, Felix smiled "yes?"

"you doing anything after school?"

"nope, why?"

"would you mind if I" He paused "came over? pretty pleaaaase?"

How could Felix deny that cute little face

"of hecking course" Felix giggled.

They both headed to Felixs car, getting in and Felix drove both of them back to his place. He lived about five minutes from the school. He pulled into the driveway, and parked. Jeongin jumped out, grabbed Felixs hand and they walked in together. The touch of their hands made him blush slightly. When they walked into the home, Felixs mother was in the kitchen, baking something with Felixs father. His older sister, Rachel Lee was on the television, while you could hear the younger sister, Olivia Lee, video chatting her friend from upstairs in her room. 

"felix!" his mom said, walking over to see her son with his friend "and jeongin" she laughed lightly "how was school? anything interesting"

Felix shrugged "it was okay, just boring, mainly review" he said as both him and jeongin Put their backpacks aside, and took their shoes off. 

She nodded "is jeonginnie spending the night hun?" she said as she walked back into the kitchen.

Jeongin didnt have a good family, he was ignored alot. Felix and Jeongin made eye contact, jeongin nodded lightly. "yeah, mom"

Felix and Jeongin walked upstairs, which could be heard by Olivia, "lix!" could be heard from her room. She was a sophomore in highschool, so she was 16. She came outside, and hugged felix tightly, her and her brother had a really strong bond, Felix told her everything and vise versa. He of course hugged her back, and she was much shorter than Felix she was 5'0 while he was 5'7. He kissed the top of her head "go back to calling your friends, okay?" Felix did that low chuckle of is.

She nodded, walking back into her room, while jeongin and lix headed to felixs room, and shut the door behind them.  They both sat onto his bed, making themselves comfortable.

"okay, Lixxie! question"

"yeah, what is it?"

"okay.. so my choir audition is coming up.. and im super nervous, seungmin already passed, and jisung too.. and now im the last one and im really really nervous. can you listen?"

"of course, sing to me, i wanna hear" felix said with a cute tone. 

Jeongin took a deep breath,  and began to sing for felix.

Felix smiled brightly, and clapped "that was amazing!!" he giggled.

Jeongin smiled shyly "r-really?" 

Felix nodded "i loved it, you sound perfect, you definitely should make it!"  

Jeongin hugged Felix tightly. 

Felix wasn't used to affection from jeongin, theyve been hanging out just the two of them alot more recently.  Felix madly blushed, which felt weird. He hasnt really felt this way? he brushed it off, Jeongin broke the hug, and smiled his cute braces smile while looking at Felix (i know he got them removed but i dont care theyre cute lmao). "wanna play some games? i know you have a whole stash!" said Jeongin.

Felix's eyes lit up "oh hell yeah!" He sprung up, turning on his ePiC xBoX oNe. He grabbed a game both him and Jeongin could play together. 

They continued playing for another couple hours. Until they both were tired and stopped playing. On fridays they always slept decently early, since they both had to wake up and go to the cafe with jisung, seungmin, and hyunjin tomorrow. Felix put on some youtube for them to fall asleep too. They both layed down together, both on their sides. Jeongin scooted closer to Felix, Lix had no other place to lay his arm, so he layed it around Jeongins shoulder, which Jeongin leaned into Felixs embrace. Felixs heart was pounded, why the hell did he feel this way?

 Felixs heart was pounded, why the hell did he feel this way?

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An hour passed, Jeongin was long asleep. Felix couldn't fall asleep, his heard was pounding and his mind was racing. Did he like jeongin? like, like LIKE jeongin. what? no! 'im straight' he told himself. He wasnt homophobic, he just followed the norm, and didnt like to be too different. He finally admitted it to himself after a night of thinking. He's never had a girlfriend, besides one freshman year, and he didnt really like her? hes never really found an interest in girls, but now thinking about it, he'd really like to be with a guy.

'im gay' he said to himself, quietly. He smiled.

He would need to learn how to love himself, but he had to get up early tomorrow morning. So he continued cuddling Jeongin closely, falling soundly asleep.

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