Part 1

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I looked around at people smiling, I looked happy, I acted kind, treated people nicely. Life was hard, I hated my life I wanted to end it.
I hate people, I hate school, I hate their smiles some real some fake like mine, people who could smile a real smile were the type that fit in and the ones that everyone liked, sure there were people who had fake smiles that people liked and admired but the people with real smiles were loved, admired and treated nicely, people looked up to them, went to them for guidance. People looked at me with fake smiles, i was kind to all them, they still didn't like me.
I wanted to feel loved and admired but instead I felt used, I felt like an object, that people could throw and bash around.
I hated opening up to people.
I couldn't trust anyone.
They didn't understand, they judged. Bullied. People couldn't keep secrets.

I walked through the halls of school, I wanted to run.
To run all the way home.
To anywhere but here
The only thought going through my head.
My 'best friend' Rose came up to me
We hugged.
"How are you doing?" She asked, like she cared, she wanted my secrets, wanted to break me and tell all her other friends about it and give them more reasons to hurt me.
"I'm okay" I lied "I have to go get my stuff, see you in class" I said
I didn't wait for her to answer.
I walked away to my locker but instead of grabbing my stuff I continued walked out of the halls that I hated so much. To outside. To out of this hell that we all call school.

Hi my names Olivia Spencer, I'm 16, I'm bisexual, I have brown hair, green eyes, tan skin and rosy cheeks with freckles all over them and a pretty fake smile.

I walked inside my house to see my parents arguing about something
Once they saw me I knew they would get my involved with their useless bickering, so I walked,
fast, speed running. going up the stairs as quickly as I could trying to be really quiet and just when I thought I had made it I heard
"Olivia!!! Get your useless ass out here now!!"
I stood there looking at the monster I called a mother
"And where did you think you were going?" She asked I knew if I responded wrong she would hurt me
"Hi mum, i was just going to my room to do my homework" i forced the words out, looking down as i spoke them, trying seem genuine.
"Come have a talk with your farther and I" she said
"Okay mum" to say I was scared was in understatement, I was terrified of my farther.
I walked. Taking my time cause I was scared shitless.
When I got there my dad had a smirk on his face, that same look, i hadn't seen many other looks on his face over the years but this one face was his favourite, the left side of his mouth was more risen, it made him look like a predator, what am i saying? this man in front of me is a predator, and i was his prey. caught in this trap, used as a toy. A toy for his amusement.
Like a game of cat and mouse, i'd always be here to fall in his traps, surviving, but still falling deeper and deeper into to despair, that was how he liked it, he wanted me to feel hopeless, i was hopeless.
"why are you home early?" he asked, still smirking.
"i-uh felt sick"
"oh, really?" he said this question in a tone that showed that he knew i was lying.
"yes" i said this with confidence, making it sound a little more believable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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