hello world!!

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I've decided it's time to finally write a blog on my insane life. Every time I tell my friends a story about me ballistic life they tell me it's as if I'm living in some type of movie or book, because things like this don't happen in everyday life. They constantly advise me to share these stories and I feel like maybe it's time we do that. It's time to share my story and hopefully make people laugh at my weirdness, cry at my sadness or cringe at my awkwardness, all I know is we are in for a bumpy ride but let's make some noise and buckle up 😁There's many things I'll talk about here, things like my on going anxiety and therapy, show some of my photography or just rant when needed. So to start off I'm going to tell you about myself or more about my personality I suppose. I'm a very shy, quiet, anxious person until you get to know me. Although I still do keep alot of things to myself especially when it comes to things I'm passionate about. I always feel like I'm "too much" or "annoying" etc and tend to keep things to myself recently I met my newest friend hope -( I call him this because he always gives me hope) Hope has helped me alot since I've recently moved school, he helps me to understand my anxiety and my emotions and is always there to support me which makes me very great full for him. My other two best friends , star and giggles, also support me alot as well and I'll always be thankful for the three of them. Anyways the reason I'm mentioning hope is because he is the person who's inspired me with slot of things, he inspired me to start writing music again, to make new friends and open up more. It's made me want to write this blog and help others. Another thing about me is I'm a huge activist and feel very strongly towards it, I recently got so frustrated towards others that I wrote this

On this note I'm going to leave the blog here but I will be back very soon, I hope you all enjoy this journey with me, ~ strange sky flying high

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On this note I'm going to leave the blog here but I will be back very soon, I hope you all enjoy this journey with me,
~ strange sky flying high

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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