Chapter 1

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Real sight is obtained through knowledge and a phenomenon known only as pure will and motivation, without these tools a person will remain closed off and lost

Vocado...the lad was only just a child when his parents were executed by gunfire at the hands of a British battalion but his loss was not his downfall, see the young lad didn't let such tragedies get him down for too long. Growing older and smarter was really all he focused on for awhile, learning the ways of the world and following wherever his heart took him...sometimes down dangerous roads- such as the one he took on this very day.

Like animals in the wild, the hunt for food was always a struggle- some days you'd score and'll scurry off into hiding to recover the blows you endured and all while having to go hungry.

Vocado ducks behind a empty stand, the market he normally ran though had moved closer to the beach so now he was kind of in the open with no alleys to run in or out of. Sand got on his knees and stuck to the sweat on his skin as he waited, peeking his head over the withered wood and seeing a stand glistening from the suns rays, the jewelry upon it was definitely real, the lad could simply tell just by eyeballing the gold from where he was- some even had pretty jewels in them, maybe those are worth something decent- in the case they weren't diamonds.

Before he got a chance to make haste towards the stand—literally standing up halfway and ready to run on over— a group of men blitzed downhill through the market, some already seemed to be carrying bags of loot but others still ran empty handed. Those were the ones that ended up robbing the market dealers at blunder-point. He watched as the cackling of sea swept men made haste back to their ship, leaving the young lad with nothing to grab for himself
"Damn Pirates..." he grumbled to himself while plopping down, criss crossed and glaring in the fleeing pirates direction.
"I suppose to eat- Be quite foolish to not join the pack"
The lad spoke to himself as he stands up and runs through the market, going over to a bulky chained necklace that the pirates had dropped. The man who ran the stand was picking up some of the jewelry that had been dropped and spotted the street rat
"Aye! Someone stop that lad!!"
The shopkeeper yelled but nobody heard the cry in time, Vocado was already headed to the docks.

Hiding behind a few barrels, when he was closer to the waters- he watched the pirates load up the ship with haste, obviously not wanting to waste time but it wasn't like they could be opposed anyway. Vacado's home island was rich but filled with thieves and fiendish scum that do nothing but bring harm to each other.

The young one's plan was to sneak aboard the vessel and get out of this cesspool and speak to the captain about joining the crew, he figured his bravery and sly tactics will be enough to impress the captain. Vocado stands up and dusted off the rags of clothing then put the chained necklace on, he liked how it looked and it wasn't too oversized for him either. He dived into the water and some of the pirates looked into the direction of the splash but couldn't see anything and just thought it was the waves crashing against the rocks- or possibly a fish.

The lad moves swiftly through the waters before he hit his head on the vessel. He grabbed onto it and climbed up, peeking under the rails to see the other pirates laughing and sipping grog to celebrate their plunder, they were showing off some of the jewelry they stole and trying some of them on.

Though Vocado liked to watch this free spirited and luxurious lifestyle play out, he was more concerned about being a part of it than anything else. Keeping low and quiet, he spotted the door that most likely leads to the captain's quarters, he peeks over the rails and sees the others distracted so he came aboard but while his eyes remained locked on the pirates- he mistakenly bumps into a barrel and knocks over a empty glass bottle. The noise was detected by the other men and they stared at Vocado who could do nothing but stare back with a nervous smile
"Heheh Salutations gentlemen"
The lad spoke nervously with a chuckle
They began to cackle as they walked over to the lad
"Lookie what we have here-"
"Aye, looks like some town rat scurried onto the ship"
Vacado didn't appreciate being called that and glared, not really backing down but not being a fool and antagonizing any of the much larger men
"Aye, what'll we do with him?"
They chuckled as they conjured up some ideas but Vocado was hardly listening
"I admire your creativity on child violence"
He spoke with hidden sarcasm and grinned as he took the necklace off and held it up
"I came with a share and request to join the crew"
The three laughed and other pirates came over to see the lad
"Aye, lemme see"
One of them grabs the jewelry and a few follow him away from the boy to examine it
"It's real and a very large impressive piece- how did ye forget'tis?"
They shrug as they whisper different things they could do with a sneaky lil lad like Vocado
One of the pirates that stood with the boy grabbed him by the arm with his rough mud stained hand and led him to the captain's quarters, unbeknownst to the lad till the strong old timer told him
"Ain't up to us- ye would need to speak to the captain about it"
The middle aged man knocks on the door but couldn't hear the captain through all the chatter from the others, he coughs before grunting loudly
"Aye!! Shut yo twat men!"
They shut up instantly- this man had to be the captain's quarter master or someone of the sort. He knocks again and hears the captain say come in, slightly annoyed.

Once inside the captain's quarters, Vacado couldn't help but feasts his eyes on the variety of items in the room, the window that let in a bright ray of sunlight from behind the captain's desk. The large bearded man stood up and smiled when he saw the poor clothed lad admiring the riches.
"That be the same look I had when I first gazed upon me first plunder..ahem..what brings ye to me vessel lad?"
The man stood up and walked to the front of his desk but picked up a bottle and scratched his beard before taking a swig as the lad took a moment to respond
"I'm...tired of going to bed hungry- I want to earn my keep in your crew...I-"
"Aye, fine"
The captain burped, leaving the red eyed boy dumbfounded
The captain chuckles
"Swab the deck then fetch me a bottle of rum from below deck"
Vacado was at a loss, did he really get accepted that easily? He must've been holding still for a minute because the captain shouted
"Ye got cotton in Ye ears!? Move!"

Vacado shot back to reality and nods
"Yes Captain !"
He raced out of the room but came back a few seconds later
"Heh..where's the mop?"

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