Good Nights in the Infirmary

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I have updated this to be a one-shot spin-off of Life Goes on. I might make it a two-shot depending on if people like it. You do not need to read Life Goes on to understand this but it is ideal. It's just solangelo so I hope you enjoy

"Fratellino" Bianca called. (Little Brother)

" Si, Bi-Bi"3 -year-old Nico looked up at his 6 almost 7-year-old sisters.

" Mama said we could play outside, come" Nico pushed is lips.

"Non-Voglio Che I Bambini Siano Bulli" Bianca looked at him with sad eyes. (I do not want children to be bullies.)

" It's ok, I promise they won't bully you." Bianca bent down so they were eye level.

" Promise?" Nico held his sister allowing himself to be pulled up.

" I promise, now come on." Bianca bounced toward the door Nico walking behind her.

" il Solitario, Bianca." ( Patience Bianca)

" I know you're not talking Mr. Di Angelo." Bianca gave Nico one of those sisterly looks as to not contradict.

Nico huffed but smiled slightly seeing as his sister had slowed down. He might have been the youngest but Bianca needed him just as much as he needed her...

As the dream Faded Nico woke up in a cold sweat...

"Bianca? Bianca come back!" Nico sat up in his bed shaking. At first, he was confused before realizing he was in the infirmary, he'd fallen asleep here because he hadn't been feeling up to part and Will insisted.

Percy had been back with Thalia and the hunt for over a week now and Nico although happy felt oddly lonely. 

Nobody was in here except for him and a desk of paperwork with a light left on. Will probably went to check something and would be coming back shortly. He shook violently, wanting to suppress any and all memories of Bianca. Tears threatened to spill as he stifled a sob.

" I'm sorry Bi, I couldn't protect you. I wish you were here, I miss you so much." Nico brought his knees to his chest as he cried pressing his head against the wall behind the bed.

If only I could have been there. If only I was a better brother. He thought miserably. All of a sudden the room door creaked open.

" Neeks are you up?" Will's sandy blonde hair was luminous in the dark a great contradiction to Nico's midnight black hair. Nico gulped trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

" No" His voice was barely above a whisper, any louder and he would burst into tears. Will came in eyebrows furrowed before his eyes widened and he ran over to Nico sitting beside him as Nico sobbed. His sobs were heart recaching and uncontrollable.

" What's wrong Nico? Did something happen" Will's eyebrows furrowed as he thought of what could have happened?

" I can't do it anymore Will." His voice was barely audible but Will heard him an at that moment his heart broke. Scary, tuff as rock Nico, had finally admitted it. He had finally had enough of the hard life set before him and Will knew Nico wasn't just talking about the dreams/ nightmares every night. Holding the small Italian tighter Will stroked circles on his back.

" Ever since Bianca died I've never had the proper grieving time. Yeah, I freaked out when I heard what had happened and I became angry and bitter but what about after that. So much has been happening since then and I haven't had to stop and think. And then, Annabeth died and now after everything, all I can do is think what if I had been better. Now I'm able to do so much more with my powers and my sister isn't even here for it. So many demigods died in the Titan war when I wasn't fast enough getting my father's help. I let Octavian die when I knew I could have stopped. Yeah Octavian was awful but that didn't mean death was the answer, how could you even look at me? I can't even look at myself."

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