I'll Never Let You Go

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I got up to see what all the comotion was about with my phone errupting. I went to the corner to pick up my phone. I looked at the number that had just texted me and it didn't look familiar. I read the text to myself. It read "Im sorry." I sat confused for almost five minutes. I then began to text back. "Who is this?" I waited another five minutes for yet another text that read "It doesn't matter." I had never been so confused in my life. I sat there and finally texted back. "Please tell me." This time my wait was shorter. My phone began to vibrate once again and I read the word "Justin."

Chapter 1:

"Honey everything is going to be fine don't worry about anything." I looked up at my mom like she was crazy. I was starting High school in a different city in the middle of the year. I didn't know absolutely anybody. I had the worst knot in my stomach. I felt so weird being in a new place. I had been living in New York City since I was two. Now it was time to go back to sunny and hot California. My parents just recently divorced and so it was time to move back to my hometown with my mom. It was such a dramatic change moving from a freezing cold place to a very nice warm sunny place. A lot of people say me and my mom are so alike. We are very picky and they say we look alike as well. I am quite tall but freakishly tall. I have light blonde hair and blue eyes just like my mom except, she has brown hair. I walked into this classroom of people I have never seen in my life (Obviously). Everyone turned to look at me. The teacher was still talking but then turned when he heard the door close.

"Oh right. Class this our newest student Brailie Jade. Make her feel welcome she is all the way from New York City."

I felt so weird and uncomfortable. I've never been an outgoing person and I certainly wasn't planning on being one now. I smiled and looked around the room at everyone. Everyone was glancing back at me except one particular guy who was sitting in the very back. He was writing something down on a piece of paper that I obviously couldn't read. I was instantly interrupted by the teacher when he cleared his throat.

"Well take a seat where you would like."

I looked around wondering where to sit. I was debating on whether to sit by some popular girls or on my own in the back. I decided it would most likely be safer to sit alone. I went to the far right corner pretty close to the boy who still hadn't looked up. Why didn't he look up once? Just from him looking down he seemed pretty cute but, I didn't know exactly how he really looked. I cleared my throat and whispered to him.

"Um... h-h-hi."

Oh no. I felt so stupid. Why did I say anything to him. He was probably very irritated with me. I looked at him and he didn't change any expression let alone moved.

"Im Brailie. And you are?"

That finally got his attention. He looked up at me smiling. He was gorgeous. I felt like a little nerdy girl talking to the most popular guy in school. He looked like an angel sent from heaven above. He looked like the type of guy who dated the head cheerleader or something.

"Oh sorry about that. Im Justin."

I got this knot in my stomach except this time, it was a good knot. I smiled back at him and tried to see what he was writing.

"So um what are you writing?" I said not looking at him quite yet.

"Oh im just copying down the notes that Mr.Smith is talking about. Im kind of a geek." He shrugged not ashamed at all but, a little timid.

Yeah right! I thought. If he would have told me he was a god I would most likely believe him.

"If you think your a nerd you should meet me." I said totally regretting it.

He smiled at me and giggled at a low volume.

"So what's your schedule?" He said changing the subject.

"Oh yeah."

I quickly reached for my back pocket and snatched my schedule which was all crumbled up. He handed it to him hoping we had more classes together. He made the most amazing face staring over the paper.

"Oh well we have english, math, history, and spanish together." He smiled at me handing back my paper.

Yes! i thought. Four out of eight classes. I smiled back at him.

"That's good. Now I know somebody in quite a bit of my classes."

Before he could say anything back we heard something right by us. It made this little grunt sound. I looked up to see Mr. Smith with a dissapointed look.

"Please keep it down you two." He looked at Justin with the strangest look like he never had heard his voice or something.

"Oh right sorry Mr. Smith I was just exchanging schedules with Justin here." I said nervously. I hated speaking infront of a whole class. Especially one that I had never met. Everyone was looking at us three very interested. I looked over and saw some girl applying makeup over her makeup that she had already on. She looked up from her little hand held mirror and smiled at Justin then turned to me and gave me a strange look. I felt weird knowing I didn't know something here. She turned back whipping her dark brown hair to the front of the classroom where she slightly turned and winked at Justin then turned to her friend next to her and began talking to her very quietly. When I looked up Mr. Smith was gone. I looked around and found him at the front of the classroom once again. I turned to Justin.

"Is she your girlfriend?" I asked whispering.

He shook his head.

"No. She used to be. I dumbed her and everything else I used to have." He began to get even quieter.

"You see I was once the most popular guy in school. I had the girls, football team, parties, and just everything. But, well you see after Junior year I began feeling a bit uncomfortable so I quite the football team and broke up with Maci. Everyone wants me to come back to my old life but, I really wanna focus on my school work for now and stuff."

I nodded back at him. I never knew that popular people could have such a hard life.

"Im sorry." I finally said breaking the silence.

He shrugged not really minding.

"It's ok. I mean it can get really annoying with everyone always telling me to comeback and all but, I just don't want to you know."

I nodded. I felt way bad for him. I looked over at Maci where she was still talking to her friend but, this time she was texting someone at the same time. Justin then jumped. I looked at him confused. He looked at me with the same expression. He then took out his phone secretly and rolled his eyes. He then muttered something but, I didn't know exactly what he said. He looked over at Maci who was smiling right at him. He shook his head and then layed his head on his desk. Maci then looked confused and glared at me. I then leaned down towards where Justin's face was.

"What's wrong? Did Maci text you something?" I whispered as quiet as possible hoping Maci wouldn't hear.

Justin leaned up with his head leaned back.

"Look for youself." He then handed me his cell phone where I read a text that was clearly from Maci.

Hey babe,

I miss ya so much. How come you never call me anymore? You should come to one of my games sometime and you can cheer me on. Maybe even get back to reality and actually join the football team again. I know the coach will for sure put you back on the team. Anyways I need to talk to you after class. And also don't get too close to that new girl.

Love ya, Mac.

I looked at the message with wide eyes.

"Wow.." I finally said.

He looked at me as I handed him back his phone.

"Ya. Now you know what I have to go through."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2010 ⏰

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