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Author's Note: Favorite ship to write: Mace! SFF. SFW. Based off of the song "Psychobabble" by Frou Frou. The lead singer of Frou Frou is Imogen Heap, whom I love. LISTEN TO THE SONG! It might help you understand! It's a very confusing song and I'm gonna try to make sure this isn't confusing. Comment any questions!

Grace's Pov

I finally get home from a long day of meetings and plop down on my couch. I had to cancel all of my things that I was gonna do with Mamrie. Mamrie. Fuck. I got a new phone and number today too. I guess you could say I've been a mess without her. We just had that special bond and we were always inseparable. Two years back she had asked me out for a fancy dinner. I didn't think anything of it at first but when I saw her in that short black dress, I had a tingly feeling in my stomach. She was acting different on that night. She was very polite to me and didn't make any inappropriate jokes. She was different. I didn't mind it because I, too, was doing the same thing. I was trying to make her like me. Apparently it worked because when she dropped me off at my place, I insisted she come in for a drink or two. She obviously had other ideas in mind. She backed me up into the wall and crashed our lips together. Hey, I wasn't complaining! After that we didn't talk about it until she called me one night and asked me if it meant anything. I would never lie to her so I told her the truth. She came over that night. We didn't know what was going on but we knew our feelings for each other were strong. Anyway, long story short, I broke it off with her two days ago. You see, Mamrie and I had been having some struggles in our relationship and they've been getting worse and worse and I was sick of it, so I ended it. Simple as that. God, I need to stop thinking about her. Suddenly, I hear my phone ring in my purse which is all the way in the kitchen.

"Goooossseeee. Can you go get that for me?" I groan. She just tilts her head and lays back down. I groan again and search through my purse for my cell phone. I recognize the number. I say the numbers and sigh.

"5 5 5 0 8 1 3" I breathe. Of course I remember the number. 08/13. August 13th. Our anniversary. Mamrie had changed her number to that so I would remember it because I was always forgetting her phone number. I take a deep breath and press answer.

"Mamrie." I say quietly.

"Grace." She slurs. I could be wrong but, she sounds like she's crying. Maybe even drunk?

"How did you get this number?" I ask.

"I'm coming over, Grace. I have to." She sniffs.

"Of course you're not coming over!" I say.

"Grace, I...I can't do this and I just don't know what t-"

"You're not making any sense, Mamrie. Snap out of it." I say a little louder.

"You're not mad at me. I can tell. You still love me. You miss me. I know you do, Gracie. I can tell." She says.

"Excuse me? I never gave out any signs that I missed you. Darling, you couldn't be more wrong." I lie. I wasn't gonna tell her the truth.

"But...but I still lov-" Mamrie starts.

"You don't understand the part about being broken up, do you? Snap out of it, Mamrie! I'm not falling for this." I state. With that, I hear the line go dead. Now I'm overwhelmed and on the verge of tears. I sit down on the couch with my dirty martini that I made myself. I deserve it. Oh god. You deserve a drink. Fuck.

I'm starting to drift off to sleep, when I hear bang! Bang! Bang!

I wake up with a jump and quickly run to see who it is. I look through the peephole and it's a drunk Mamrie with black makeup running down her face. I open the door and let her in. I figured, I have to explain to her that it's done. We're over. I sit down on the couch. Mamrie just stands near the doorway, staring at me.

"Grace I-" She starts.

"Mamrie don't even think about it. Do what I tell you, ok? That way no one gets hurt."

"Is that a threat, babe?" She starts walking closer to me. I point a finger at her and stand up.

"No, I just don't want either of us to get even more emotionally hurt." I say.

"Oh you've already hurt me, Grace." Mamrie walks even closer to me.

"Don't come any closer!" I say, backing up.

"Why?" She asks.

"Mamrie, I really don't know how long I can hold my heart in two." I say.

"Oh, your heart is broken? What about me? It must be soooo easy for you, Grace." Mamrie slurs.

"What do you need me for then? If you think it's so damn easy! Mamrie, you're drunk! Just look at yourself. Snap out of it!" I yell.

"I'm drunk but sober enough to know that I need y-"

"You're not listening to this! Me and you are over, Mamrie. We're d-" I start.

"No. I love you." She says.

"Could you let me finish my sentence for once?! This is part of the reason we broke up, you didn't listen to me and you interrupted me!" I shout. She starts to move a bit closer.

"Seriously, don't come closer. You're making me nervous." I say quietly.

"I know what's good for you! I'm good for you. We're meant to be together!" Mamrie yells.

"Oh really? If you know what's good for me, why did I leave you?" I spit. Wow that was harsh. Mamrie keeps on getting closer and closer to me and I don't move. I can't. It's like I'm stuck. I feel so bad for making her cry, I just want to hold her and tell her it's ok. When she's about a foot away from me, we just stare at each other. She gives me a slight smile and just looks up at me. Yup, there goes that tingly feeling in my stomach again. I smile but catch myself and put on my serious face. She's getting closer. Shit, what do I do? I can't move. It's gets to the point where I can feel her breath against my lips. She closes the gap slowly and kisses me. She slides her arms around my waist and pulls me toward her. Out of habit, I lock my fingers behind her head. It's a nice kiss. Slow and passionate. We haven't had a kiss like this in months, which brings me back to why we broke up. I pull away and push her away from me.

"Don't ever try that again! I've had it up to here, Mamrie!" I shout. Mamrie is completely silent just looking at the ground. It looks like she wants to say something but doesn't.

"Why are you so quiet suddenly? Go on. Tell me. I know you're dying to try me." I yell.

She's still silent.

"Didn't I tell you to do what I say? Now it hurts even more, doesn't it? Knowing that that was our last kiss?" I ask. I let my last sentence sink in. That was our last kiss...

Mamrie spins around and starts to walk to the door, while wiping her eyes. She reaches the door and twists the doorknob and pulls it toward her. I don't know what I'm thinking but there's no time to think right now. I run up behind her and reach an arm out to shut the door. She spins around and gives me a confused look. That's when I kiss her. I really kiss her. She pulls my hair while I tighten my grip on her hips. We stay there kissing for a few minutes and she pulls away, smiling. I smile back.

"So, what do we do now?" I whisper.

Author's Note: if you did not listen to the song, I highly suggest you do. It's easier to follow I believe. I wrote a Mace fic because they're my OTP atm. And also because you know I'm all about the mace bout the mace, I ship it...ok that was cheesy. DAT HARTBIG KISS DOE AT THE STREAMYS! I cried over that I got a bunch of money for my birthday which was on Sunday so I'm gonna buy a video camera and start YouTube! Yes yes yes yes yes yes. Ok, comment if you're confused...the song is Psychobabble by Frou Frou.

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