Daughter of Wolves and Lions

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(Girls are allowed in the Night's Watch, it's just Lily is the only one that wanted to join)

At the Night's Watch Tyrion watched Jon and Jon's sister Lily beat Rast, Grenn, and Pyp easily. Jon broke Grenn's nose, Thorne ordered everyone to put their fake swords away.

Tyrion: Charming man

Mormont: I don't need him to be charming. I need him to turn all these people into Night's Watch members.

Tyrion: How's that going Commander Mormont?

Mormont: Slowly, you know I heard the story about your baby sister getting kidnapped.

Tyrion: Yeah, what about it?

Mormont: This stays between us, I over heard Lily talking with Jon about her being told by Eddard before she got here that she was adopted when she was five. Eddard has rescued her from kidnappers. With both her story and the story of your sister's kidnapping. Plus Lily's long blond hair blue eyes, and sharing the same first name as your baby sister I have good reasons to believe that Lily Stark is Lily Lannister.

Tyrion: I can't say I don't believe you

Mormont: You going to tell her?

Tyrion: No I'll let her find out on her own. And if I ever end up leaving the Night's Watch she stays. Cersi and my father don't need to know about her or get their hands on her. She is both a Lannister and a Stark. She is both my sister and the Stark children's sister. If Cersi and my father ever found out they'll either try to rip her from the Starks and keep her away from them or they'll kill her. It's mine and Jon's job to protect her. I will never lose her again.

Mormont: A raven came for Jon and your sister

Tyrion: Good news or bad?

Mormont: Both

While in the sword shed Grenn spoke angrily

Grenn: You broke my nose bastard

Jon: It's an improvement

Rast seized Jon's arms from behind and Grenn held a knife against Jon's throat.

Lily: Hey! Get off him!(Yelled angrily)

She charged at them Pyp grabbed her and threw her hard. So hard when her head hit the ground she was knocked out. The three boys noticed Tyrion standing in the doorway.

Grenn: What are you looking half man?

Tyrion: I'm looking at you, you three have interesting faces.

Rast: Why do you care about our faces?

Tyrion: I think they would look marvelous covered in spikes in King's Landing. Perhaps I'll right to my sister the queen about it.

Rast took off as Grenn slowly let go of Jon

Grenn: We'll talk later Lord Snow

Pyp slowly walked over to Lily's unconscious body with Tyrion.

Pyp: I didn't mean to throw her that hard, I'm sorry.

Tyrion: Still you did, so you carry her to her bed and explain to the Lord Commander what happened. I need to talk to Jon privately, so Grenn go with Pyp.

Pyp gently picked Lily up and Grenn followed him out. When she woke up she ran to find Tyrion right away. The knock out made her remember everything. When she found him she wrapped her arms around he and cried as he held her. Tyrion told Jon everything and Lily was happy to have two brothers with her while at the Night's Watch. Tyrion made it clear for her to still go by Lily Stark and that no one needs to know who she is. He also made it clear that Cersi and their father finding out about her would put her in danger. Lily knew he was right. Tyrion was the only good Lannister besides her. It would be stupid for anyone to trust Cersi and Tywin Lannister. Later Tyrion proudly watched Lily and smiled as she and Jon spared with Grenn and Pyp who were now their friends. Tyrion went inside.

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