Dinosaurs; High Fructose Syrup! (fiction)

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There was a image of a Divine David that sang the psalms and he was given opportunity to collaborate with the birds to make some new albums for the Almighty for his Ears to hear something new.   To David's surprise the birds already knew many of his tunes!  The songs were recorded on records and tapes of some kind for the Almighty to listen to and he was pleased.    All that were in Book of Songs and Singers were given invites to participate. 

 But the project was a success and the Bird's were given there own domain as along as they continued to sing the righteous songs.    And so the bird's were given a Kingdom and they were given authority over the Dinosaurs.   And the bird brain was made large and the bird's became very smart;  but too trusting.   They were pure in heart and continued to sing songs of Praise for all that was made here and from where they came.    The humming bird did not get along and couldn't collaborate very well.   So two humming birds were made to rule as King and Queen. 

The Dinosaurs invented High Fructose Syrup to feed the humming birds.   And the humming birds did have fun.  And the Dinosaurs learned to eat vegetation instead of each other.  And there are many of them and varieties not seen.   And Angels could visit the land to watch over it.

Overtime the birds got demanding and started making the Dinosaurs work harder.   They would peck and peck at them and they could not fight back.   So the dinosaurs invented ways to poison the food.   The high fructose syrup that was good;  they started making bad.   But the birds did trust the Dinosaurs despite their appearance. 

Then one day;   a unicorn showed up on a high mountain top.    And the Dinosaurs made fun of the unicorn and called it strange names.  They didn't know the unicorn was sent to save them from the the domain of the Birds and to set them free.

When the unicorn was called to call to the humming birds to set the Dinosaurs free;  the humming bird's was on it's death bed.   They did die and went on to a pleasant afterlife.  So the unicorn couldn't save them and it would be many more years before a creature as unique is sent to set the Dinosaurs free.   Then a mighty bee was made king.

Until then;   the bird's will keep signing righteous songs and the Dinosaurs will make their nests.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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