Caught up in the drama.

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Things have finally got too much. Yes, she likes him and yes she is 98% sure he doesn't. The anxiety of all the drama surrounding them has finally persuaded her to make a video. She wants to address the fact that they are merely friends and the fandom needs to calm down, it's not healthy, particularly for her right now and it is slowly ruining the great friendship that she has created with him. She cannot account the amount of times she has had an anxiety attack to do with it. The people around her like her friends and family have seen it happen but assumed it was just everyday troubles.

'My life' is the decided title of today's video. Its starts of like normal but it quickly gets serious and the mood is eerie. She stumbles on her words but manages to coherently say what needs to be said. Near to the end of her speech it starts, the tight chest, the tears, the shaking, the difficulty to breath, the dizziness and the shaking. Then as if right on cue, there's a knock at the door. But she can't move, she's stuck in place. Whoever it is cannot see her like this nor does she won't their help.


She stops. She stops so still she can't even remember where she is let alone what she's doing. He's here he's found the spare key in the plant pot and let himself in. It must be serious.

He starts to walk through her apartment and then he sees, he sees that she is slumped over. She doesn't move, she doesn't say a word but her breathing has somehow returned to normal and she no longer feels that anxiety. He's unsure at this moment what to do, should he turn and leave or should he continue to do what he came here for. She wants to look so badly, but she's a mess yet he's already made things so much better by just being in the room. He finds his way to kneel in front of her where he could see why she was so still.

Hey Grace, it's me, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere...

Tears start to roll down her face again. He takes her within his arms

He repeats: I'm not going anywhere it'll be okay... Grace, hey grace listen to me. It's ok.

Grace: But it's not, it's out of hand. I can't cope anymore.

'What, what is it. We can sort it' he says

She doesn't reply, she just holds on. His heart breaks. Ok so he kind of does like her and maybe, just maybe he came to talk to her about everything that's going on around them. He wants to help her so bad, he feels like he'd do anything to make her happy.

Grace: It's you. It's all of you Chester. Everything I do, everything I read or see comes back to you and it kills me a little bit inside every time. Yet you're off somewhere else

Chester: There's no ignorance here Grace. I had come to talk about that but now, now I'm still here to specifically tell you how I feel.

Grace finally eases her grip on him and he can feel her smile. This was the right thing to do. Neither have ever been so honest with anyone else in their life's except with each other nor is it possible they know anyone better than each other. Their impeccable timing was meant to be.

He stands, he turns of her camera which he noticed before but wanted to capture the moment. He'll watch it later when she isn't around, he understands.

She stands and they kiss. It is soft and slow but intimate; it has all of the emotions that have built up these past few months.

Grace: For two very creative people, this must be the worst revelation of feelings in the history of hook ups.


Through the remainder of the day, they have the chat that they both so desperately need. They discuss and analyse everything from rings right up to t-shirt colours. Chester even managed to review the video footage when she wasn't looking. He doesn't hide the fact he did it from her though. They decide to finish it together. They think that whilst neither want to share this part of their private lives with the world it would be better to be honest and regain control of their relationship. 'Our Life' is the one and only video they do, and they upload it to a newly created shared channel. From now on the drama is theirs and only theirs.

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