Will you remember me

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The heat from the summer sun could been seen shimmering as a haze all around. The rhythmic sound of cicadas rang in my ears all day and all night. I have no name. If I ever did it has been long since forgotten. Just a Spirit to help with the growth of crops, that is all I was. In a time when us Spirit’s had more power.

My shrine is small, covered in moss from top to bottom. It was the only thing keeping me from fading away. Oh, how I love my little shrine. It is my best friend. I couldn't leave the area of this grove, It has been keeping me company for all these years.

However it's now the time of change. I can hear the sound of train's go by every day. Humans are amazing, no spirit could ever dream of making something go so fast.

Those humans who go to something called school. Those humans who go off to work. They walk past me every day. How I wish I could talk to them.

I don't know how much longer I can exist for without any offerings.

It happened 10 year ago, in the winter. A girl had seen me and talked to me. She was able to see me. I was amazed how chatty she was. People with the ability to see spirits will usually keep their distance from us. It was such a nice change of pace. She was kind. Telling me lots about the world. I had so much fun in that soft snow with her. Night came and she had to leave. She promised to see me again the next day.

The next day came it was even colder than the last. As I smiled and touched the girls shoulder She just looked around and said "Hey, Who are you? Have we met before?"

My power had weakened so much she had forgotten about me. I was shocked. All those people who I met before, had they forgotten about me as well? I could feel like my heart had become empty.

I watch her now with her husband. She is with her second child now. However I'm glad I'm still here to watch her child grow like all the other humans. From birth to death. I have watched that road. It's a nice view.

I would fall asleep in the warm sunlight, waiting for the humans to come home. I felt a slight touch on my shoulder. It was so warm it was hard to wake up. Was it a bird? I couldn't tell. I opened my eyes slowly. It was a Human. A boy who could see me.

“You’re gonna get burned if you sleep in the sun like that"

His tone of voice was pleasing to the ears. I was amazed he could see me. He must have the ability. Will he forget me as well? I sat up and yawned, rubbing my eyes.

“I’m not part of the human world. I cannot sun burn", I replied giving a nervous smile.

"Oh, so you’re a spirit? I was gonna ask, would you let me draw you?"

He seemed not to care that I was a spirit. He wants to draw me? Why would he do that? Humans are strange creatures.

“I don't mind, but why would you want to draw me?"

I tilted my head curious as to why. As I looked up at him he did seem like a really quiet person. His smile was soft but his eyes looked lonely.

“I have to draw a shrine for my next class project. You're dressed in traditional clothes so you would look great sitting against it. Is this your shrine?"

He let out a beaming smile as his voice shook. It was so obvious he was nervous talking to me. It was adorable.

I got up and rested my back against the shrine and gave a warm smile.

"Yes, it’s the place that keeps me bound here. It's a part of me"

He sat down and got out a hefty supply of pencils. He could hurt his back carrying so much. All I had to do was watch him. He looked really happy as he sat there drawing away. An hour when by and not a word was said between us. I wasn't sure what to say, my mind kept drifting onto different topics, however my voice would not let out a sound.

Will you remember me Fujitaka.Where stories live. Discover now