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I got back here, once again. The sky is blue as usual, flowers are blooming very well, and it was much better from Earth which was like hell. But something was a bit odd, first time in this world I saw a human. Yeah! A human, which was a BOY. I tried to hide in the big pieces of rocks of that beautiful greenery but he caught me. I could have run, but I didn't, instead I came out only to see his face. All I could see was his thousand year's of smile and his hundred year's of happiness in playing with those birds and animals. I felt so alike....

Tick-tock, the clock is moving.
Ting-ting the alarm is ringing.

I move out my hand from my blanket only to see the time.

OMG!! It's already 7.30am! It was my first day of my 2nd year in highschool and I anyhow cannot be late!

At the last I finally reached school at 7.55am, 5 mins early. I opened the door of the auditorium, I thought the innoguration ceremony was going on but oh no! Professor Raina is already on the stage!!

The door cracked opened so loudly that everyone got distracted and started  looking at me, Professor Raina being professor Raina started speaking infront of the podium, "Welcome Miss Noah, this programme only lacked you. It seems that you ought to break the record of being late to school for 2 consecutive years."

The audience started laughing, btw it was not the first time. Last year was something similar to this and even more frightening. I reached my first day of highschool 15 mins late and that was also when the Principal was lecturing.

Now I wonder, the door has not been repaired till now.

Last year my punishment was to clean the girl's toilet for the whole year, now as it is the lioness she would really give me a Herculean task.

Shit! Another year gone with a punishment-- Oh, wait it seems someone is even more late than me.

Once again the door cracked open.

Is it real? I had never seen such beauty, neither I had experienced one. There was a boy, a boy I had never seen in this campass before. His hair was spiky, his skin-tone was white, someone more taller than my 173 cm, someone more skinny than my 58kg, a boy whose eyes was dark browned, yes browned as an oak tree.

With the attitude he was standing on the edge of the door, it was clear that Professor would give him some nice insults. But she acted a way~Different!

"May I know who is this young man?"- She asked from the stage.

The boy started walking, and suddenly he stopped infront of me and grabbed my hand and made me walk with him. Everyone was staring at us, especially the girls! I could sense  their jealousy! I felt like I was a superstar or something.

It was so sudden that I didn't even realise we were on the stage. He grabbed the mic from the Prof. and started speaking.

"Students of St. Rushmore Highschool, I m Leo, a freshman of this academy."

"Ok, Leo do you realise you came late today?"

"No Prof, I guess you haven't checked out the time yet. There's still 10 secs left to be 8.00 Am."

Me, along with everyone checked out  the auditorium's clock, which was very huge! He was right, there was still time. My damn head, how come I not realise this!?

Still, anyhow he is a life savior. I won't be getting any punishment now, what's better than this, right?

Professor Raina stood still after that. It was the first time she received such a direct insult! She couldn't speak a single word.

Finally! The ceremony ended. I with my friends Lexi, Olivia, Grace and Jack walked out of the hall and directly headed towards the canteen. TBH, all five of us are real eaters!

"Damn Noah! I was so jealous of you."
- Lexi yelled at me while putting a big slice of burger inside her mouth.

"And he was even holding your hand!"
- Olivia said siding with Lexi.

"C'mon guys it was just a coincidence that they both reached late, early or whatever" - Grace defending me.

"But Grace what's the point of that 'Leopard' (Leo) for taking Noah with him on the stage!?"- Jack being Jack started debating.

I don't even know if all of them are my real friends or not.

"ANSWER US NOAH!!"- Olivia, Lexi and Jack again yelling at me.

"Shh, guys it's a public canteen not my home! How come I know why he grabbed my hand?! Even for me it was  the first time seeing him. How come I know who the hell is he--"

Suddenly a girl came running and announced,

"Guys!!! Leo is here!!"

All the girls were like,

"Omg! Leo!!"

"Leo, that hot guy from before!"

"I will ask him to eat with me today"

"I will ask him out!"

Even Olivia and Lexi went out to see him.

"What's with that bastard? Just seducing all the girls."- Jack said out of jealousy.

"Shut up! Your just jealous."- said Grace.

"C'mon Grace don't tell you fell for him too!"- Said Jack.

"As if I m a fool."- said Grace.

Looks, that's what matter in this world now. If you are ugly, you will be lonely and if you are pretty then you will be wealthy.

"Umm, Noah. That guy, L-Leo is behind you." - Grace with a shocked face, pointing towards my opposite direction.

"Wh-what!?"- I was shocked,and suddenly stood up and turned behind.

It was REALLY him.

He smiled at me before he speaked, yet that smile stole the hearts of many girls but for me it felt like Deja vu.

~(My Junior Lover)~Where stories live. Discover now