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Natsu had always been around the heat. He and Igneel lived in a volcano, for fucks sake, so why is it that anytime he was around Gray, he felt like he was melting from the inside out? Gray was an ice mage, cold to the touch, so why did he always feel so warm?

It's like I'm being lit on fire everytime we touchI GET THIS FEELING—Natsu resisted the urge to snort aloud, Why am I like this?

"The fuck is so funny, Flame-brain?" Gray asked.

Shit- nope not explaining that. Natsu shrugged, "It doesn't matter." Gray only stared back at him flatly. "It doesn't! It's stupid anyways."

"You wouldn't be defending it if it was," Erza quipped. She'd been eating her cake so quietly that Natsu had forgotten she was there.

"Okay fine," Natsu sighed, "My ADHD made me laugh for once instead of frustrating the hell out of me. How is not important." He was quick to slip out of the booth and to the other slayers.

Gajeel and Wendy didn't bother questioning him when he sat between them, but Natsu graced them with an explanation anyways, "I nearly outed myself with bad joke. Again."

"I'd tell you to tell him," Gajeel muttered, "but at this point you're going to tell him on accident."

"Fuck off."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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