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Jimin's Pov:

I wasn't always planning on becoming someone rich bastards secretary or assistant, or whatever you call them, I wanted to become a teacher. But I guess plans change, just like my mother said to me when I was 16, and now that I'm 23 years old.

I walk into the company, I don't even remember what the company is called, something along the lines of "Big Hit Entertainments". No it's something way more different. It's a million dollar company, just like Big Hit, SM and JYP. I go to Big Hit Entertainments, I'm a trainee there, hopefully to become an idol like Kim Jong Kook.

'Hello, how may I help you?' the front desk lady asks me
'Hello, I'm here to see Mr. Kim' I reply back
'Right this way' she says as she gets up

She walks around to the front of the desk, showing her height, I'm half the size of her. How is it that everyone is taller than me, this is really unfair, and hopefully this Mr. Kim is smaller than me? That'll be a big help, wait, what happens if his not? What happens if his tall and handsome? Or tall and an asshole? Tall and romantic? Tall and rude? Tall and addicted to having sex with employees?

'Wait here, I'll see if Mr. Kim is available at the moment, what your name was. He might remember if he remembers you name?' she asks
'Ji-min' I reply back
'Thank, please wait here Mr. Ji-min' she says whilst waking towards the black Gucci double door

Really, a Gucci door? How rich is this guy? Must be that rich to own a fucking a Gucci door, and in black too. What would the door feel like? Leather or wood? The door opens, revealing the lady, she comes out with paper.

'Mr. Kim will see you now' she says whilst walking away really fast

Is he that scary? She looked scared, and she ran away too. What's wrong with this guy? I don't want to walk in now, I'm too scared, just seeing her run away makes me scared. I take a deep breath and walk towards the door, I knock twice, waiting for a reply.

'Come in' a deep voice speaks

I grab the handle, pushing the door open, I walk in. Seeing a black and grey designed room, the white sofa against the big window, the two black arm chairs facing each other were placed in the middle of the room, a black desk on the far right of the room, and a small white office chair sitting in front of the desk. And on his side, was a big black and red cushioned chair, at the top has the initials: KT.

'Take a seat' his speaks again

466 words

VMIN [BTS] Mr. Kim's Office BabyWhere stories live. Discover now