Beginning Day

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Element: "LINK! Wake UP!"

Link: "Huh? Who are you?"

Element: "It's me, Element!"

Link: "Oh yeah, Element, right...what're you doing here?"

Element: "It's a long story..."

*Element explains to Link what, in summary, happened*

Link: "Woah, that's...a lot of things that happened"

Element: "Yeah, I can't remember all the specifics, but I do know we need to take out Calamity Ganon."

Link: "Yeah, let's head out"

*Couple of weeks later...*

Element: "LINK, BEHIND YOU!"

Link: "I KNOW!"

What happened over a couple a weeks was as follows

Element found Elemental Sword + Steel Zora Shield

Link found Master Sword + Hylian Shield

Now they're fighting a Guardian


Element: "Elemental...BEAM!"

*The Guardian is blown over by the power of the blast*

Element and Link: "HYAA!!"

*Stalker Guardian dies, leaving pieces of itself*

Element: "Phew...that was a hardcore battle"

Link: "Yeah, you could say that..."

*a young girl scream is heard in the distance*

Element: "Oh boy, here we go again"

Link: "C'mon, it isn't that annoying saving people"

Element: "Fair point...Now come on!"

*Element and Link run to where they heard the noise*

Element: "Over there!"

*They see a Zora girl, in a...royal garb?!*

Link: "That...must be the Zora Champion, Mipha!"

Element: "You're right, who else would wear the royal garb of the Zora princess but the Zora Princess?"

Link: *whispers* "GET DOWN"

*They duck behind a rock*

Element: *whispers* "WHAT?!"

Link: "Those things that are holding Mipha captive are LYNELS!"

*Element peers around the rock to get a better look at the creatures*

Element: "You're right! We don't have high enough stats to take on those things!"

Link: "What're we gonna do?!"

Element: "I have a friend who could help us..."

*later that night*

*Link's Sheikah Slate buzzes*

Link: "Yello?"

Element: "Link, is that you?"

Link: "Yeah, what's up"

Element: "Did the Lynels return to their camp?"

Link: "Yeah, why?"

Element: "You'll see" *hangs up*

Link: "What did he mean 'You'll see'?"

*Link notices a human-like figure walking up to the camp*

Link: "ELEMENT?!"


Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild(Elemental Knight x Mipha Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu