Chapter one: Seth

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I hurried into the leisure center, dripping wet from the rain outside and stepped into the over packed reception, looking for Liam. I spotted him sitting on a sofa, playing on his phone. I walked over and he spotted me halfway there. I smiled at him and we walked through the hall to get to the swimming pool.

I got changed then met him outside the lockers. He had just finished getting changed and was putting his clothes in a locker. I lobbed my bag into the neighbouring locker then inserted a quid into the slot, took my key and we walked to the pools together.

After three hours I decided I was too cold and got out, Liam following. We decided to go back to my house and play Fortnite for a few hours. I beat him all the rounds bar one! Suddenly a knock at my bedroom door made us jump,
"Ten minutes till dinner boys!" Mum called through the door.
"K" I yelled back. "What you making"
Liam looked at me and we both grinned. Macaroni was our favourite, and my mum always made it when we were together.
"Hey so I was wondering," Liam started, "Tasha is throwing a party tomorrow, wanna come?"
Me, being the responsible dude I was, said yes immediately.
"Great!! Ill meet you outside your house and we'll walk there together,yeah?"
I nodded then sniped him when he wasnt looking.
"Yesssss I win again!!!" I chanted, then jumped off my chair and did take the L at him.
He groaned then went to the kitchen, for food. I followed behind, laughing at him for being so bad.

Twenty minutes later,
"This macaroni is the best you've ever made, Mrs March!" Mum grinned and dumped more on both our plates. When we'd all finished mum brought out a tray of muffins, and said we could have one each. We gobbled them up in about twenty seconds and looked at her for more. She laughed and gave in, giving us two more each! We excused ourselves once we'd finished and went back to my room.

Liam was staying the night so he got his pjs out of my wardrobe (he's over so much 1/3 of my wardrobe is his stuff) and we both stripped and got changed. We were thinking of what to play because he was bored of being beaten at every game I own. I suggested truth or dare because even though we knew everything about each other, it was worth digging deeper. He agreed and went first.
"Truth or dare, Seth?" He asked.
" I dare you to take off your pjs and put your bottoms on your head and dance around like a dying chicken." I did the dare and we ended up howling with laughter. I put my pjs back on and asked Liam truth or dare.
"Dare" He said immediately.
"I dare you to shove your fingers as far down your throat as they will go." I smiled maliciously, he would never be able to do it. He looked at me then rammed them all the way down without even gagging.
"Wut..That should not be possible.." I stuttered incoherently. He just smirked and said he had no gag reflex.

5 gos later and we had both done stupid dares, he picked truth.
I thought for a bit, then smiling, asked,
"Whats your sexuality?"
He stared at me then mumbled something, I leaned forward and asked him to repeat.
"Im homosexual" He whispered.

I stared at him for about 10 seconds before he said,
"Its ok if you dont understand or don't t want to be friends, I completely unders..." I cut him off by pressing a finger to his lips.
"Its fine, I understand, and why did you think I wouldnt want to be friends?" I asked, looking at his face in the light. I never noticed how his silky coal black hair shone so beautifully in any light, or how his startlingly blue eyes were framed by long black lashes, or how his pointy chin made a shadow on his neck, or how his cheeks were s-

I was interrupted from my thoughts by Liams voice. I mentally punched myself for daydreaming and turned my full attention on him.
" I said, maybe you wouldn't be my friend if you were, say homophobic or something." He said, grinning awkwardly. I punched him on the shoulder and smirked,
" And you thought I was homophobic because?" He grinned awkwardly again said he didnt know.
" So back to the game?" He asked. I nodded and then picked truth. In return he asked what my sexuality was. And me being the awesome guy I was, admitted my bisexuality.

And like what I did before, he gawked at me for ages.
"Well lovely confession over, I need sleep goodnight." And with that, I rolled over in my kingsize bed and fell asleep immediately.

I woke to find Liam staring at me, without thinking, I reached up and kissed him on his lips. God he tasted so good. The mixture of blood and sweat made an awesome mix and I kept putting my tongue in for more.

Then mum came in, wearing dads pjs and unicorn slippers. She stared at us then walked out. A minute later she came back with a pillow and started hitting my foot with it.

"Mum stop." I mumbled.
"Seth wake up."
Mum carried on hitting me, but the pillow turned into a hand and was poking me.
I woke properly with a start.

Liam was poking me and staring at me with concern in his eyes.
"You were crying, what happened?" He asked, his voice soft and quiet.
"Well I woke up in my dream and I star.." I decided to not tell him my dream, incase he thought I wanted that to happen, which of course i didnt. So I just settled for the old nightmare.
"I started to puke out my insides out my eyes, and I couldnt stop and eventually there was nothing left of me apart from two eyeball stuck glitching inside one another, trying to puke the other out." That sounded like the worst thing I've ever made up. Good thing I can lie for Britain though.

I decided not to bring up last night, and apparently Liam decided the same.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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