Author Note~

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Hey Reader-Chan~!

Animecraze1348-Chan here, well just want to say I hope you enjoy my story and Prussia's awesomeness cause he is awesome. This will be a fair sized story cause one-shots piss me off >~< I mean they're okay but too short. Too rush.

Reader-Chan: Lol AnimeCraze1348 that's the fucking point!!! T~T

Me: *Cries in a corner* I know but still... *Cries more* I don't know D,X

Anyway~~! I really hope you like this, if you do please feel free to look at my other stories they are fabulously long. (You should totally check out my story call: A Destined Fate Russia x Reader I'll tell you now some real shit happens CX plus I'm super proud of it and it's like my first fan fic) Besides that this story will be told in 1st person cause I can't deal with that whole

You went to the store, you fell down, you died.

I can't stand using 'you' over and over again. Like you'll notice when I talk about a character I literally can't say their name over and over. It'll be like: He, him, the (h/c)-ette, the male, man, boy, (e/c) eyed person, the nation, the country, (lol I have loads of them, I cannot stand being repetitive) Anywho~! Rambling, I am rambling.

Please feel free to comment your feelings, vote for the awesome Prussia, follow the happy author and read on :D

Love, Animecraze1348-Chan~

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