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I'm most likely not going to make it NSFW, this story focuses more on the bond between members and it will be up to you how you see them, as close friends, or something else.
I personally ship Morreid, Jemily, and Hotchniss romantically. :3

The Routine

Working in the BAU was certainly the opposite of ordinary, but the atmosphere in the bureau   was so friendly, almost family-like that members got used to the terrible reality they tend to work with. Unconditionally each other's company helped dealing with these horrors, building trust and closure among each other.

Aaron Hotchner, the Unit-chief was the head of the BAU family, a person everyone could talk to about anything knowing he'll see it in both point of views: professional, and casual. However, David Rossi was the neck that head relied on. One of the two founders of the bureau . Jennifer Jareau, had always put family first, not realising that BAU grew to be part of it. Emily Prentiss was the lone wolf, used to get things done by herself, soon realised she can't go on like this without Jennifer to back her up. Penelope Garcia, the ray of sunshine, glowing in the BAU as a friend to all. Choosing to see the good in the world while being surrounded by the terrible terror of the crimes. Finally the 2 for the price of 1, Morgan and Reid, best friends so different they could never leave each other's side, as the opposites, attract.

It was a Monday morning, Reid stepped out of the elevator, walking diagnolly through the corridor full of agents and office workers from different specifications. He pushed the pair of the glass doors to get to his desk, however he stopped suddenly in the middle and looked up to observe.
Reid's P.O.V
As every Monday morning,Hotch is sitting in his office, sometimes I feel sorry for the amount of paper work he has to fill in, oh, Rossi is leaving his office- ugh he is locking the door, that means we have a case, is there any point of me going to my desk then? I might as well just go to the conference room. Hmm maybe we should change the name of this room? When you think about it we don't have as much conference in there anyways- it's being used just to present the cases. Maybe we should call it like... ThE cRiMe InVeStIgAtIoN rOoM- ew no never. But there has to be som-
-End of P.O.V-
„Yet again being in his dream world I see- oh I'm telling you Reid one day you'll doze of so hard you'll never come back" smirked Morgan. When Reid was about to "enlighten" Morgan with a real case when someone was day dreaming for 3 days straight, Garcia stood on second step of the stairs saying her line "We have a case".

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