prelude (sample)

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un conte vieux comme le temps

"My little Beauty." Papa's warm voice fell from his lips as he hugged his little girl tightly. Her warm brown eyes glistened with tears.

"Papa, why did Mam have to leave us?" The little girl asked looking up into her father's eyes pleading with him for an answer that could stop her soul from aching.

"It is the Lords way." He felt the tears begin to form in his own eyes but he blinked them away before they fell.

The silhouettes of the black clothed figures in the church graveyard was an eery sight. Young Beauty hugged her father as another young girl dropped a rose into the grave of a woman she once called her mother. The rose fell gracefully and landed on the casket along with a single tear.

"Let's go Papa." Beauty's older sister Lynette tugged at her father's sleeve.

"I'll get Margita and the boys and we'll go home." He replied stoking his daughters head.

The girls father walked over to his oldest daughter. "Come Margita, we must be going now."

Margita quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and mustered up the strongest voice she could, "Yes Papa."

The boys were also rounded up and they scrambled into the carriage. Beauty crawled to the back seat and stared out the window watching as the lonely church disappeared into the distance.

The carriage rolled up to a large house fitted between two other large buildings with room for a garden on the outside. Beauty hopped out and began to climb the stairs that led to her home. He steps were slow and sad, she clutched onto her father's hand so then he wouldn't be able to leave her like her mother did.

Lynette held Papas other hand and the boys, Alexandere, Lucas and Raphael trudged up behind them. Margita had fallen the furthest behind and was just beginning to climb the stairs by the time the rest of the family had already finished.

The house was cold despite the large fire that burned in the hearth. It was almost as if the house knew that someone had died.

Super that evening was silent. Alexandere asked to be excused early and Margita followed suit. Once the two eldest children had left the table was fairly empty. The only sound that filled the dining hall was of the fire crackling and people chewing their food. Lucas and Raphael left the table next. Then Lynette burst into tears. Her heavy sobbing echoed off the walls. Papa got up from his seat and wrapped Lynette in his big gentle arms.

Despite Papas attempts at bringing the households lives back to as normal as they could be the children's lives would never be the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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