The Violinist

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I could only see the silhouettes of the audience, the bright lights have partially blinded my eyes. My hair was a sable ponytail, and I wore a long sleeveless dress the color of the sea. I stood on the stage with confidence and familiarity, this was something I have done since the age of nine. I am now fifteen. I took a confident bow to the silhouettes, as I always have before starting.

I pressed the violin between my cheek and shoulder, my body and fingers already familiar with the movements they're supposed to make. My pianist began playing behind me. After a few notes, I followed. We have practiced this many times over, so we played in complete sync. The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy lofted across the concert hall, sweetly sifting into everyone's ears. My fingers glided across the strings surely and elegantly, and the strokes of my bow were rehearsed and perfect. Like a machine, I followed every note on the sheet music to a T.

I ended with a confident bow, as I always have, followed by applause that was all too familiar. I then walked offstage. A girl in a simple white dress was waiting for me.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed, with a wide smile and sparkling eyes. Her name is Emily.

"Thank you," I replied, as I always have.

"I wish I could play like that, you're a natural." Another performer has taken the stage and begun playing. I could tell they were nervous from the unnatural strokes that they took. It was probably their first time to perform for such a crowd.

I smiled at her sweetly. She doesn't know the many hours of daily practice I've had. Being a "natural" had nothing to do with it.

"You have only played for a few months. You'll be better soon."

"I hope... I'm so nervous... My brother is watching." Her mind drifted, and then returned. "Oh, you must be tired, I'm so sorry. Please, go ahead." Emily sheepishly stepped aside, and I nodded to her before walking back to the changing rooms. Emily was new to the music school we attended, and I've been there for so long that she always looked at me with admiration. It was quite pleasant, really.

Once I reached the changing rooms, I took off my dress, and wore an over-sized shirt and pants. I took off my ponytail and wore my hair long. My mother always told me I should dress more like a lady, but I preferred comfort.

I watched the performance offstage. Someone had just finished, and now it was Emily's turn.

She nodded at her pianist behind her, then took a deep breath. She said something only she could hear, then the pianist struck one key and she began.

Her intro was smooth and perfect. She followed the composer's notes well, and she was in sync with her pianist. After the intro, however, something changed. I felt it, the audience felt it, and the judges felt it. The way she played changed. She became more eccentric, more alive. Her bow moved with energy, and her body swayed with the high notes and halted on the low. Her fingers danced happily on the strings, producing beautiful notes. She was indeed playing Beethoven's Kreutzer, but she changed the flow and made it her own. She played so dramatically that even her pianist couldn't keep up. The music buzzed through the air like pixies and tingled the ears of everyone who listened. At that moment, the stage was alive, undoubtedly so. I was awestruck, and so was everyone else. She finished her piece panting, and she looked at the silhouettes with a victorious smile, not letting the lights bother her. She received a standing ovation.

She walked offstage, and her sparkling eyes were immediately fixated on me.

"Penelope! Oh my god! I can't believe it! They're clapping for me!" Emily's voice was excited and trembling at once.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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