One shot?

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Aidan is seven years old now, and Patrick is six. "Boys be careful playing okay, its still wet outside." Elsa smiled. "We will mama." They ran out and started playing in the mud, Elsa playfully rolled her eyes. Jack walked up behind her, "what are they doing?" She smiled, "playing in the mud like little pigs." She giggled. He looked outside and saw them all muddy, "looks like I'll have to get the garden hose." He smiled. Elsa playfully shook her head, "theyll still have to take a bath." He smiled and hugged her from behind, "then after we put them to bed we can take one." She smiled and he kissed her neck. She inhaled sharply, "not yet. Wait til i get them to sleep." She smiled. A few minutes later it starts raining again and the boys come to the deck. Elsa and jack pick them up in towels and carry them to the bathtub, "alright my little muddy boys, bath and then bed okay?" They nodded, "okay mama." She bathes them and gets them in bed, "goodnight boys. I love you." She kisses their heads. "Night mama." She turned out the light and they went to sleep. She joined Jack in the living room, "they're asleep. Now, what was it you wanted to do?" He smirked, "i'll show you." He picked her up, making her squeal in surprise, carrying her to the bathtub. He sat her on the edge of the tub, starting the water. They both undressed and got in. Jack first, then Elsa got in on his lap, kissing his neck. He smiled and kissed her hard, pushing her back against the tub. He pleasured her sweet spot with his hand, making her arch her back. He then entered her, going soft at first, then he went harder and faster. After a while he released, then they got out of the tub, continuing their lovemaking in the bed for hours.

A couple months pass and the obvious happens, so Elsa takes a test to be for sure. Even though shes already had two kids. Jack walked in, "does it say yet?" She shook her head, "not yet, still has a minute left." He smiled, "well, are you excited?" She smiled, "yes, and hopefully its a girl this time, otherwise i'll still be outnumbered." He hugged her from behind, kissing her cheek, "even if its not, we will still love them." She smiled, "of course." The timer sounds and Elsa looks, seeing a bold pink line, and a small faint pink line next to it, "Jack look!" He looked and smiled, "should we tell them?" She smiled, "well, how about at the first ultrasound?" He smiled, "perfect." The next day they all head to the doctors. "Daddy why are we here?" He smiled, "because mommy has a surprise for you." When the ultrasound is done they see Elsa is six weeks pregnant. "Daddy what's that?" "Yeah, and why is mommy laying down?" Jack knelt down, "Well, because mommy is having a baby." Their eyes widened, "really?" He nodded, "yep."

The nine months fly by and Elsa gives birth to a little girl they name Scarlett. "I finally got my girl." Elsa smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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