Grade 6

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Hi I am Gail Yu. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. Nobody knew that I signed up in an agency even my parents and my friends doesn't know. The agency is finding students or kids for fighting and for defense in short its like military.The first day at the agency was really boring until a person I knew came. I just can't believe that Gab was there he is also new. We actually aren't that close but since we don't know the people there we became close. After some days we got to know some people and we also discovered that a relative of Gab is also in the agency.He is Lance he trained in the agency for 3 years and he is one of the top 10 in the agency. He is already 17 years old while I was 12 years old when we first met.

I was having a hard time with studying and training at the same time but I was ok at studying. I had many absents in the agency maybe 5-7 days. Gab was good at studying and training so he is good, his grades always passed and even his skills are good I envy him. I was punished for being absent in the agency for many days. My punishment was I had to do 50 push ups and 100 sit ups everyday after 1 week.I always felt so tired but everyday Lance kept on visiting me and taking care of me. I got sick for a week but I can't have another absent since I like to train so I had to train. Lance knew that I was ill so he took care of me instead of Gab. Gab was given 2 weeks vacation so he left me with Lance without knowing that I'm ill. Actually the first I saw Lance my heart kept on beating hard but I told myself that I still don't know him so I won't like him or anything just a friend. My heart and mind kept on fighting each other until that week that I got sick. I'm sure that I like him.

My illness was actually a fever but it didn't went down for a week. Lance asked the director for me to rest but I declined. On the last day of my punishment after training I got wet in the rain and fainted when I was on the way home. When I woke up Lance was sleeping beside me topless while I was only in my underwear. I freaked out and thought sonething happened fortunately nothing did but my problem is what would my parents do when they know I didn't go home last night. He took care of me all night without resting.
I fell for him deeper and deeper although it's embarassing to see me with only underwear he acted like he didn't see anything.

He is such a gentleman. After recovering I went home with Lance he told my parents that I fell asleep while studying in his home since I look so tired he didn't even bother to wake me up. My parents got mad and asked why did I studied there in a man's house when it was raining so hard instead of going home.He replied
that I went home with him because hus house us near the school and because I also got wet in the rain. Then he added since it was raining hard my parents told her to stay but then she actually fell asleep while studying with me in my room then slept together in the bed cause there was no extra bed. I thought he was insane how can he say that we slept together infront of my parents. My parents got mad and asked me why would you study with him when you're just an elementary student and from a different school and also asked if it was really true, then I said yes. It all ends there that humiliating but sweet memory.

The next day I woke up pretty late so I got late for school and discovered that he has a bestfriend in my school. Then I went down to buy food dor lunch then saw him getting surrounded by sone girls.I was so jealous that he called my name but if course I have my pride so I ignored him but him calling my name for the second time even there's girls around him I can't help but to look at him. I asked him why his calling me. He told me to have lunch with them and the girls around was glaring at me . So Scary!
I agreed to go with them but I really didn't want to because of the gurls staring at me like they're gonna kill me. But the same time I also want ti be with him even just for a while.

The reason why I fell for I just can't find it.

After several hours
We went to training together and did some technique together he got to teach me a lot of moves until 9:00pm.
He drived me home then my parents got mad again saying that he was my boyfriend.Then my mom asked me when did we start dating and how did we meet.It was very hilarious but my dad was on fire I think he doesn't like Lance.

In the morning my dad was in a bad mood then my mom kept on talking about Lance. So dad got mad at me and scolded me. Lance went home to pick me up, my mom went to distract my dad😂.

We went to training together again.
We heard a lot of rumors about us being a couple which is not yet allowed.

Last day of exam
This time I went to school alone because he was sick. I want to go to him now but he said I can't cause I have to finish my exam and I can get a fever too if I go there.

I finished all my exams finally I'm free. School is over and we have summer training in the agency's company. Oh right! I have to buy Lance food and drinks to make him feel better. Of course not drinks that are bad for health I don't want him to suffer more.

I arrived at Lance's house his mother wasn't home and even his dad. They don't even know that their son is sick. Gab's mother gave me the key to Lance's house because I told her that I already asked Lance's permission. She believed me😂 I am such a liar.

I enter Lance's house without knocking. Lance was surprised to see me. He told me to stay away from him though. Him caring about me makes me assume that he likes me I hate ut so much. Why does he have to be kind to everyone!? I entered his room and wiped he sweat away . Seems like he hadn't have lunch yet I'll go make him lunch while he is asleep. Oh my god I heard the front door open. Is his mom here?! She is here😅. I told her that her son has a high fever and haven't had lunch. So I was planning to buy him lunch. His mom told me not to go and told me to just cook using theur kitchen, so I cooked in their kitchen. While his mother is buying some effective medicine. After his mother got home after buying meds I was still cooking. After I cooked she told that I'm a wife material and she wants me to be her daughter-in-law. She also asked me our relationship with each other. I replied that we are only friends with a little bit closeness.She didn't believe me si she asked me if I like Lance I answered that I don't like him.

I spent day and night taking care if him just like what he did to me. But that night something weird happened he kept on staring at me when I was asleep. I felt so weird.

After he recovered we both went back to training . We trained regularly until the end of summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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