20 Facts Challenge :3

91 7 30

         Hi ! This is the first time when i write someting (here) in English ...so be prepared to see spelling, grammer mistakes (maybe i should say 'many mistakes' ...it's shorter).

@akashi_ryuuki nominated me [ a week ago ..yeah i'm slow ...like a snail..maybe slower than a snail...let's leave the snail alone 'cause  we don't want an angry snail (although i have never seen an angry one...i'm a little curious)] .Thank you Ryuuki-chan for nominating me :)

My conscience: You have already bored me ...Please go straight to the point!

Pingu: Yes, ma'am!

1) I'm a cancer like Midorima-kun~ . .. My mother sometimes drives me crazy with her horoscop-things and she don't stop till my head stats to ache, but there is a good part.

I know my chinese sign : tiger (year - Kisa), sheep (month-Hiro) ...Te-he-he KisaxHiro ..Yup, i am a Kuroko no Basuke and a Fruits Basket fan *giggle*.

2) When i meet new people the first questin they put me is " Are you an emo?". I don't know why... becouse i cut my bangs? (nope ..they ask that before i cut my hair , too)

..because i'm a silent and serious person (again ...no. one day i treid to talk  and talk with a new classmate  ....i even made a joke , but she still asked me if i am an emo... ).

After a while, i've got used with that certain question.

3) I  always argue ( more chat) with a classmate about my hair colour. I am a dark-brown-haired girl. My colleague says its black as her's, but her hair is darker than mine.

4) When i was 12 years old, my Mom asked me what kind of pet i  want (but first she made sure that i understood an important fact ..she will never allow rats, mouse or hamsters in our house).

My answer surprised her ...a little  because i said that i wanted a cactus  and the continuation made her laugh ( she record me and tense me with it...when she remember about it) ..." I don't need to clean after it. A cactus isn't noisy and she won't die if i forget to water her  ". 

I still have that cactus ... i named it Lime and  she ( yes, is a "she" 'cause  she is a member of my family ..i konw, i'm a stange person)  was beside me for a 5 years. Sometimes when i am bored i talk to her ( calm ... i'm not crazy ...she don't talk back ... *laugh* she ignor me---i am joking)

5) I hate soccer ...that damn ball only hits my head and it happends everywhere (school yard, street and it happened (once) in a trip). Some of my classmates said that i'm cursed

6) My favourite mangaka is Motomi  Kyousuke. I read and re-read  all her manga for many times.

(By the way, on my spare time i like to read manga ....so i read over 400 different manga... i have a notebook where i write all their titles).

7) On summer holidays i am like a vampire ( i don't really like vampires ..but nor hate them) ... i have pale and white skin and the sun quickly burn me and... i can't convince myself to hang out on the day time.

8) I don't have a favourite song because i can't decide to choose only one song. ( the same thing goes for books and movies )

9) I'm about 1.70 cm. In middle school i was the tallest girl and now in high school i'm the second.

10) I have small brown freckles on my nose, because every summer i go with my family on the seaside.

11) My biggest enemies are spiders and raisins.

12) My eyes' colour change between green and blue. Their change is influenced by the colours around me or my clothhes' colour.

13) I wear glasses and without them i barely see at distance. I tried (once) to wear contact lenses...my eyes teared a little ( maybe a little more). It was awesome to see again without glasses, but in the end i choose my spectacles  ( i'm too used with them and it's too much work to keep contact lenses)

14) My first name has 5 letters and in my country is a common name, but people easy forget it.

15) On the first day of summer holiday, i killed my laptop.  Crime scene: i put it on my bed...suddenly he couldn't breath... and died. I konw... i'm a murder, but i really feel sorry for killing Blacky (my laptop). There isn't a sad end. My father went and fixed it yesterday ...so my laptop re-borned.

16) As you have already seen ...i'm bad at naming things, pets (the proof: my cactus -Lime .... my laptop-Blacky )...God i'm worried about my  children names ... Mine is a common-short-female-name ( Dad though that i will be a boy ...so he gave me a boy's name and both of my parents used that name ..but in the end i was a girl ...i was sooo lucky with Mom 'cause she changed my name into a girl's name---my Dad still wanted to put me that boyish name)

17) If i start someting ( like a book or a game) and i don't finish it in about 1 week - 1 month ( depends what i do ) i will never finish it because ( OMFG if my teacher- a girl who helps me with english- count how many "because" i used here ...i think she will slap me with a paper fan) i easily  lose interest.(there are exceptions)

18) I have never had a boyfriend ( i'm not sure if i want one), my first kiss or  go out (even hang out) with a boy .

19) As a child i was boyish and carefree ...my friend were all boys (older or younger than me) ...in my neighbourhood (at that time) weren't many girls. I didn't change too much. I (stii) don't wear skirts or dresses and i never used make-up ...but i become shyer and... my interests (goals) change too. Now i have more friends (girls) and a few boys

20) My mother asked me recently "Till what age i plan to watch animes?" and i told her "My childhood will end on my 60th birthday , then i will stop watching animes and i will start looking for a husband.


Victorrrryyyyyyyyyyy! I finish it ! I FINISH it!

It is unedited . I will edit it after a nap.

Thank you for reading.

P.S : I will nominating @JMGracielle ...sorry if you don't wanna do that or if it bother you

Published : 11.9.2014 at 10 p.m

Ended        : 12.9.2014 at  2 a.m

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