❄️My snowflake❄️

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     Jonas was playing some cords on his guitar. He wasn't really trying to make a song but it happened. He started to think about his love for the queen of Arendelle. He's known her sense he was a little boy. They were both great friends before the closed gates. He hopes it'll be the same now. He also hopes they would be more then friends one day. But Elsa isn't that type of girl. He respects that, but he can't stop thinking about her.

     Elsa's 22nd birthday was coming up, so he decided to sing his song to her as a birthday present for her. He bumped into Anna earlier that day. She seemed rushed, so he asked why. She said that she was planning a surprise party for Elsa. She wanted everything to be perfect. So he told her that everything will be. Anna also asked if he was gonna come. Jonas definitely told her that he definitely would.

     Before the party started, Jonas was tuning his guitar. Anna was running around making sure everything was absolutely perfect. She made Kristoff and Olaf keep her sister busy. Jonas asked if she needed any help, she always said she had it under control. So Jonas kept practicing his song.

     Elsa was on her way to the castle so Anna told everyone to hide. When Elsa, Olaf, and Kristoff walked through the ballroom doors everyone came out of hiding screaming surprise. Elsa looks happy and surprised. Anna hugs her sister and says "happy birthday Elsa! I love you!" Elsa smiles and hugs her sister tight. She says, "Thank you Anna. I love you too." Jonas is leaning against the wall near the the sweet treats table. Elsa spots him, but doesn't approach him right away. Mostly because so many people were around her. She really wanted to say hi to her friend, but she didn't want to be rude to all the people. Jonas kind of knew that. He could see the look on her face.

     When Elsa finally got to him she hugged him. "Hi Jonas. Sorry it took so long." She says laughing a little. He hugs her back and laughs too. "Happy Birthday Elsa." He later says. Elsa tells him thank you. She smiles the whole time she's with him. Jonas was wondering if she felt the same for him like what he feels for her.

     Elsa and Jonas go outside to talk. They both need to get out of the ballroom. Jonas had his guitar. They came to a stopping point so he had a good time to sing his song. "Elsa I wrote you something." He says. "It's called Symphony." He continues while playing the song intro. He starts singing and Elsa smiles. She loves to hear him sing. "...you deserve a Symphony, soarin strings and a tympani..." he sings. He ends the song with a lovely melody. Elsa is still smiling. "Thank you that was lovely." She says. Jonas and Elsa just awkwardly stare at each other for a good hour or so. Jonas starts to really feel for her now. His heart is pounding hard in his chest. "Elsa.. I.. well.. Elsa I.. I kind of.. well heh heh not kind of.. I really.. I really like... you.." He says nervously. Elsa was kind of caught of guard. She smiles at him and starts thinking about the same thing. "Jonas... when I saw you for the first time in like forever I felt something that I didn't know I could feel. I think I like you too." She says to him holding her hands at her heart. Out of know where Jonas twirls Elsa in the air and puts her down awkwardly. But Elsa just kisses his cheek with out saying anything. "I love you, Jonas." She says. There about to kiss when Olaf shows up. "Elsa. Anna told me to tell you to come back to the ballroom." The little snowman says. Elsa smiles and starts heading back inside holding Jonas's hand.

When Elsa gets back in the ballroom everyone starts to sing happy birthday. Elsa is smiling from ear to ear. Jonas was happy to see Elsa so happy and that made him happy. Anna got a glimpse of Elsa and Jonas's hands. They were still connected. Both of them were kind of glowing but no one would actually notice, but Jonas noticed. He didn't say anything in till later. Jonas thinks it because they both have the same power.

When the party ended Jonas stayed a little longer. He told Elsa about there hands glowing when they touched. When he held her hand it again, the glowing started back up again. Elsa wondered why it did that and Jonas told her why he thinks the glowing means. After he told her that she began to think the same thing. Two people falling in love that both have ice powers could be a great connection. They both have a lot in common. That's one reason they became friends in the first place. There's other reasons too but that's one of them.

Elsa and Jonas decided not to tell there family and friends about there relationship right away, but they decided to give a little bit of hints a long the way. That's how they decided to tell them. They didn't want to be to cheesy about it and tell them right away. Both of them wanted to experiment how they would be as a couple for a few weeks. They don't want anything to go bad. Elsa and Jonas don't want to ruin there friendship by doing this. They thought this was smart and went with it.

Elsa x Jonas #jelsa

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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