question 1

404 17 3

To: all demigods and rachel

Q:coke or Pepsi?

Annabeth: diet Pepsi


Thalia: coke and pepsi are both stupid verners is were it's at

Percy: What! Coke is ten times better then verners!

Thalia: thats perfect coming from you kelp head you are an idiot what would you know

Percy: oh you are going to get it now!

Thalia: you want to go kelp for brains

Percy: do you want to go pinecone face

Thalia: oh its on!

* scuffling, shouting and metal clanging *

Nico: *shouts over the background noise* I think Dr. Pepper is better

*all sounds stop*

Thalia: nico you are a disappointment

Percy: this means war!

*nico percy and thalia all fighting*

Annabeth: *cab whistle*

*all sound stops again*

Annabeth: all of you are acting like children!

Percy: but Aaaannnnaaaabbbbeeeettttthhhh!

Annabeth: no buts. Percy go sit in the corner

Percy: fine.

Thalia: yea Percy go sit in the corner

Annabeth: you two Thalia, Now!

Thalia: but-

Annabeth: no buts now.

Thalia: fine

Annabeth: nico go sit in the corner two!

Nico: but I didn't say anything-

Annabeth: did you just talk back to me young man?!

Nico: yes I did!

Annabeth: did you just sas me?! Thats it boy you are in for it now! GO SIT IN THE CORNER!

Nico: or what!

Percy: she will kill you with her dagger wisdom

Nico: I am going to go sit in the corner now

Annabeth: good boy

Rachel: how did this go from a simple question to annabeths obedient lessons? 

Percy: I don't know.

Annabeth: well thats the answer to your question

Everyone that hasn't answered: what abot us!?

Annabeth: did you just talk back!?!

Everyone that hasn't answered: no ma'am

Annabeth: go sit in the corner!

Everyone that hasn't answered: yes ma'am

Annabeth: anymore questions for today

Me: no ma'am

Annabeth: well then goodbye demigods

Me: hey thats my line!

Annabeth: did you just sas me young lady!

Me: no ma'am
Hello! Annabeth stole my line so skip ahead I need you guys to send in questions!
Annabeth is making me write this in the corner. It is vary crowded in here. You would think my sister would treat me better but nope! Anyway see you guys layer!

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