...For a pri$e

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A ten-digit number – 9198442985 flashed on the screen of her mobile phone. She answered it on the very first ring. As she heard the voice on the other end say, "There was an altercation today – small but distracting." a smile played upon her lips...

She was wearing an aquamarine suit with a matching skirt that stopped at her knees - revealing pair of gorgeous legs – and a spotless white shirt. With her titan hair and hazel eyes complementing her slightly bronzed complexion, she looked her best – making several heads turn.

He saw her for the first time on that day in the heavily crowded station. A gentle, cool breeze in an arid dessert at noon – fortifying, calming his scalded spirits. He took a step forward, towards her but she got into the coach before his. He was so lost in her captivating beauty that he had to run to get into his coach before the automatic doors slid to a close.

Three days later...

A ten-digit number – 9198442985 flashed on the screen of her mobile phone. She answered it on the very first ring. "They had a fight today – serious." said the voice on the other side before the connection was terminated.

He was so angry that he failed to see where he was heading and she was so pre - occupied that she only had a vague sense of direction. Then the inevitable occurred. They collided. The steaming cup of cappuccino that she held fell on her tweed coat at the same time splashing all over the place. A series of profuse apologies followed which was rudely interrupted by the trains' last call. "If there's anything I could do..."began FrederickPeterson "No", replied Catherine shortly, "I've got a train to catch."
"So do I" said Peterson indicating the coach to his left. "Then can you get me a place to sit?" She asked. No problem was Frederick's only response as they boarded the train.
Catherine headed towards the lady's room and when she emerged five minutes later her appearance proclaimed that she had been successful in making the stain sink into mere oblivion.

Frederick beckoned her to come and join him. Although she was dressed in tweeds the manner in which she held herself was sufficient to convince others that she was in a gown studded with diamonds and blue blood ran in her veins.
Frederick couldn't believe his eyes. Was it possible that a woman in tweeds – stained with coffee and a black shirt could be so striking?

She made her way to where Frederick was seated and placed herself beside him. "My name is FrederickPeterson and I'm really sorry for what happened outside..."

"Oh that's all right these things keep happening all the time. I'm CatherineWalter. By the way did you...did you...graduate from RivervilleHeights?"

"Yes, but how did you know that?"

"I don't suppose you remember me do you? We were in the same class. Perhaps that's because I have changed quite a lot since then, you on the other hand, look just the same." A lie – an obligatory lie.

She glanced at his wedding ring and continued, "So, I suppose you married Caroline."

Hmmm... he murmured. He was trying to remember...Catherine Walter...Cathy...she was never this stunning back in college but if rumor had it right then she did have a thing for him back in college, but then again which girl didn't?

"So What about you are you married?" he asked She brought her left hand into clear view – no ring. "No, I've not found the right man." She then added in an undertone, "yet."

Hmmm are you seeing someone then?

No. I am single

A few words of background here seem appropriate. FrederickPeterson, CatherineWalter and CarolineWoods had been students of finance at RivervilleHeights.

FrederickPeterson had lead the perfect American life. Born in a family of four, he had a decent education and married his high school sweetheart. Now he was married, had no children and on the threshold of becoming the chairman of the bank where he was working. He was compassionate, possessive, slightly dominant – a man, used to being dealt the winning hand by Fate.

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