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Sitting, watching, looking,
Waiting for the bell of Doom.
Leaning, stretching, ducking,
Searching for your Light to guide me.

You don't see me at first,
So I just continue.
Making myself Darker,
Writing my feelings Down.

The pen, scraping, scratching against the paper,
Confused about Emotions.
Not knowing how long it would be until I would be in your arms again.

The song, playing, on Repeat,
Delilah being Worshiped.
My handwriting back neat,
My hand calm and silk.

The bell rings,
As a look of panic, worry, confusion, sadness Floods over my face.
Your face, innocent guilt covers it,
Unwanting to leave but having to.

Heads lowered,
Playing with fingertips,
Unknowingful tears looking me in my eyes.

Poems... ughDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora