Part 1- Meeting the Marauders

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Hi!!! I am Elizabeth Marlene Dawn The 2. Don't tell anyone, but I'm a werewolf, a metamorphagous, and an animagus. This is the day that I go Hogwarts!!! I was kicked out of durmstrang. Why was I at durmstrang? Simple, my mum wanted me to be bold and strong. WHOOHOO!!!! "Honey! Remember to only talk to purebloods and only some halfbloods. Now, bring your trunk down and we will leave for the Hogwarts Express." my mum said. "Ok, ok! I know! Absolutely no associating nicely to 'filthy little annoying mudbloods'." I answered. I don't believe in the mudbloods are filth and scum thing. Meh! Just, MEH!!!! Gosh!! Merlin's got some style, come to think of it. I mean, when some kids and people want to swear and they, like, cant swear, than they say things like, "MERLIN'S PANTS!", "OH MY MERLIN'S SAGGY MAN BOOBS!", "MERLIN'S BEARD!", and, my favorite one, mostly because I made it, "MERLIN'S SAGGY MAN BOOBS WITH LONG BEARDS AND PANTS ON HIS HEAD!!!"

(>•_•)>- ~~~~~~ <(*•*)> Boarding The Hogwarts Express.

"Ok! I know, be safe, in Slytherin, and don't associate with muggleborns!" I shouted to my mom out the compartment window. The train slowly started to leave. I observed the amount of noise that was practically killing me already. Someone cleared there throat. "Yes?" I said, turning in the process. It was a tall, dark haired boy with glasses. "I'm sitting, your leaving. Bu-bye!" he said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "N-O! Why don't you find one of the goons that work with girls to help you get a free ticket to Lizzy Land!" I said 'Lizzy Land' in a dreamy, misty voice. "Padfoot!" he called to a goon behind him. "Hello there. I am Black, Sirius Black. We would love to sit here, so if you could leave to a girly compartment, that would be a lot of help." he said, and to him, it sounded like it could get me to do anything he says. "Next!" I said, sounding bored. "Moony! You are our last hope!" glasses said.

"Fine. Hello! I'm Reamus Lupin. It's nice to meet you. As you can see, I'm stuck with dorks who want you out, so, for your sake, please leave?" he said happily. "I'll give you a deal, this deal is because you know that you hang out with these dorks, you can sit here, but I'm staying. And if not, you are leaving." "Deal." "Names!" I said. "Well, I am Reamus Lupin, they are Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew." "I am Elizabeth Marlene Dawn The Second. Nice to meet you." I nodded curtly at the boys and gave Reamus a warm smile. It's rare. You'd have to make a good first impression and a lot more stuff. "You too, Dawn." Black said, in his way, seducing me. "I'm not a slut, Black. I would never date you. Even if the world was going to end if I didn't. So, what I am saying nicely really means, SHUT IT!" Everyone knows that if I speak calmly, it's not going to end well...

"How'd she know?!" "I'm a seer, Black. I know things." I said to him and in the next moment I began to see his future. You see, whenever I meet a new person, my powers begin to work and I see the person's future. I always see the future in third person. It's like I am looking at a tv screen.

'Sirius Black was sitting on a tree branch looking at a lake. "Hello!" a tall girl, about twelve years of age, said. He fell out of the tree and pouted. "Oh, it's you. I thought you said that you are not a slut and will never date me." "I said I wouldn't date you, I just never said I wouldn't talk to you." "Liz, how can you do it?" he sighed. "Do what?" Elizabeth asked. "Live without troubles?" "Oh... I can't. But that is a story for another time. I wanted to ask you about the way you could do everything so normally, I mean, you talk to girls and flirt like it's how you breath. You know Kathleen? Well, you should. She is my best friend and you broke her heart! You are a true heartless bitch! You're cruel and selfish, you don't even remember Kathleen's name! You monster!"

I started laughing like crazy. "Uhm... Why are you laughing?" Black asked. "Your future is hilarious!! Well, at least, I make it hilarious!" And now time for Reamus' future! Oooooooh! Hahahahaha!!!

'A tall, blonde-brunette, was walking down the corridor in Hogwarts. "El!" a tall blonde kid called. "Yes, Reamus?" she said. "How's the research going?" "Great! All I have to do is find the book. Yes, that book!" "No! I don't need anyone else in danger. I just can't handle it." "I won't be in anymore danger than I am when I am outside the school grounds! I need the book! I am choosing to be in that danger and I am going to get that book weather you like it or not!" Elizabeth shouted at Reamus. "No." Reamus mumbled quietly. "I'm sorry, Reamus. I need the book. I am choosing this path, I will be ok."

I gasped. "What is it?" James asked me. "R-Reamus' f-future" I quivered. "What about it?" Reamus asked worriedly. "Do they know?" "Know what?" "About the 'furry little problem'?" "No. But you can tell them if it has to do with my future." Reamus answered. "Ok. Guys, he's a- a werewolf." "That's why he leaves every full moon!" "Potter! Here's what it has to do with our futures, he will end up biting me in his werewolf state, but don't worry. There is a book, a sacred book, it used to belong to the darkest person of all time. A wizard, of course, even more powerful than Voldemort himself." I took a breath, "He will come after me, well, his spirit will, and I would need to do research on him, and I would need his book. It will put me in much danger. It can also cure Reamus into just being a plain animagus. Danger that is more powerful than any before. But, it could save me. The danger could save me from any darkness. I once came across this book as a child and I read upon a riddle for my future.

It said, 'A young child will come to his mind, one by the name of Elizabeth. The most dangerous place is safest, one forbidden from all eyes. She will come across so many things, then one that can hypnotize. She will leave most dangerous things, without a scratch on her back. The one that can hypnotize, is the one she has known for years. Her friends don't understand, except for the werewolf. Wolf-blood is in her eyes, because he can hypnotize.' I understand it now. the safest place for me is either the forbidden forest of the corridor at the end of the dungeons. That corridor is filled with man-eating trolls. I already know about the tri-wizard tournament that is this year, I doubt I'll be in that, though. The man-eating mountain trolls are not monsters to me. I can be near a normal werewolf as a human without being bitten. Only Reamus will understand, because he is the werewolf. So that must mean he is the one who can hypnotize! Gosh, that hurt my brain." I whispered the last part to myself.

"Cool!" Peter squeaked. Merlin's saggy man boobs with beards and pants on his head! I forgot Peter was here! "No. Not cool. Nothing about my life is cool! The coolest thing that has ever happened to me was leaving my house to come here! I hate my life. I hate me!" I groaned while banging my head against the wall. Yay! Time for James' future!!!

'A tall boy with glasses walked up to a girl in Gryffendor. "Hello, Lilly-flower!" "I told you already, James, that I hate that nick-name." "Well, what else can I call you?" "Pointer, Lilly, Evens, Padsie..." "Pointer?" "Yes, Pointer." "Why Pointer?" "Can you keep a secret?" "Yes." "Now, guard this with your life. If not, you are never getting that date you've always wanted. I am an unregistered animagus. I am a fox. That is why you hear my closest friends call me Pointer. Don't deny it, Prongs, I know you eavesdrop." "How do you know about Prongs?" a tall girl asked, walking in on there conversation. "It's easy. Only an animagus would hang out with you! You love seeing people's animal self. So, you make friends, stay friends long enough so that they could tell you the secret, if they're not, you leave them on the sidelines." "Woah! I guess I do that!" Elizabeth said.

I burst out laughing. "What is it this time?" "Animagus. Eh?" "Yeah... Why?" "Good... I only hang out with them. But, hopefully, I'll meet my opposite at school." I muttered the last part, but Reamus heard. SHIT! "Opposite!? Wait, so you're..." he trailed off. "Yes, I am an elementest, but not a normal one, you see. I have all 4 elemental powers, and only 1 other person has all 4 also, that would make them my opposite." I heard a gasp and then I went to Peter's future.


"Lizzy?" Reamus asked. "Yes?" "Why were you muttering the words, 'Wormtail, Traitor, Prongs, and Pointer?" "Well,Peterratsthemout,getsthemkilled,andsendsBlacktoAzkaban!" I muttered, hoping no one heard, but of course, Black hears me. "Peter is a traitor, gets James and, whoever Pointer is, killed, and sends me to Azkaban?" "Yes!"



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