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So, this is my first story ever

So please don't judge me

We cool?

Okay, let's start the story

Woops, almost forgot the disclaimer 

Rick owns all his characters, but I own mine.


They all felt it, like a ripple through the air. "What happened?" Clothe, the fate of life, asked.

"No, No! Not again please no," Lachesis prayed. Since she looked at the strings of life more often than the others she knew what was going to happen. She had been dreading that something like this would happen, but not on this person. He was too unpredictable.

"What?" Atropos asked, striding over. Lachesis pointed at the twisted string. It has turned a nice shade of purple, the separate strands pulling away from each other. "I don't see the problem," Atropos said. "I'll just cut it then."

"It's not going to work," Lachesis told her.

Atropos snorted. "Do you think I was born yesterday? We are the fates. We literally control everything!"

"Okay, try then," Lachesis sighed. Atropos got the scissors and snipped at the string. The string held. 

"What?! That must have been a fluke," Atropos said. She tried again. Same result. "See, I told you," Lachesis said. 

"Well, I guess I'll just have to put it next to the other ones," Clothe said, lumbering over. 

All three fates prayed as they stared at the string they could not control, the string of the one who had cheated death, the string of Leo Valdez.


Chaos yawned. The almighty ruler of the universe sat on a couch, flipping through the channels which the television offered. It had been a long day, from restocking fuel, to preventing riots, to teaching some planets that she was in fact Chaos. "Ungrateful morons," she grumbled. 

She really regreted putting in the ancient laws now. Sure, it had prevented her brothers from potentially overtaking here, but it restricted her so much. She sighed.

A knock on the door brought her up. "Come in," she replied casting a glance at the nervous little officer who cautiously stepped through the door. "What's the matter?"

"Lady Chaos," he said kneeling on the floor, " there has been reports of a unknown energy signal coming from several planets."

She glanced at the paper, making a decision to go to the planet which emitted the biggest amount of energy. "Tell the fleet to prepare to move."

"Head for Earth."


The man, grey in his hair and purpose in his gait, stepped into the hotel. He glanced around, and walked to a certain desk in the back. "Welcome to Greengale resorts, how may I help you today?" The person at the front desk asked. The man glanced around, then pulled out a note with a symbol on it out of his pocket. The person at the front desk's eyes widened, then directed the man to a elevator in the corner of the room.  He handed him a card.

The man entered the elevator and pushed in the card. He pressed several buttons, so efficiently that it seemed that he had been practicing it for years, and waited. Down and down the elevator went until a 'DING' was heard. The man stepped out, onto the narrow web of  catwalks spinning out into the dark, and stared at the awaiting army, grey uniforms blending in with the shadows, blank eyes staring at him.

Another man stepped out of the elevator, blond hair being tossed around by a wind which it could only feel.

"Soon," the grey haired man promised. "Soon."

The man with blond hair and blue eyes smiled a cold, cold smile.


Leo Valdez strolled through the forest, whistling a merry tune. He had just finished repairing Festus, and so had left the bunker to let Festus get used to his body. He shuddered. He did not want to be there, as Festus had knocked over several important inventions he was working on before wacking him so hard into the forge, that he nearly fainted from the impact. Plus Festus had somehow wrecked the new body. This time he had cleared out everything important (basically everything) into another room, locked the door and ran the hell out of there.

He was making his way to camp, taking the long route around because he was not on good terms with the dryads in the middle (long story, involving sleepwalking, the song 'girl on fire' and a bucket), and picking his way down the mountain, when he happened to stumble upon Calypso.

As Leo strolled through the forest, his mind filling with designs of future machines and plans of getting the Stolls back for the lastest prank, he heard Calypso's voice. Figuring that she had come out to meet him (hey, who wouldn't want to enjoy the presence of the Supersized Mcshizzle) ,  he strolled over to the clearing. "Hey, Suns!..." his voice trailed of as he saw the man.


So, that's the first chapter done. Like the cliffhanger:)? Words with underline like these are comments from future Valdez. You'll probably only see them in a few chapters, since I plan on writing from Leo's POV from now on. 

The song on the top is one of the songs I think fits Leo the best. I'll try to grind up at least one chapter a week. Please tell me if I made a mistake😬. See ya!


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