The Child's Choice

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It happened during a peaceful day in the hidden leaf village, where the Great Madara Uchiha was taking his rest from all of the works at home. It was his time for his lovely family which consist of his wife, (Y/N) Uchiha and their lovely son, (S/N) Uchiha.

The sun had just started to show itself on the dark blue horizon, slowly illuminating over Konoha. Madara was still asleep barechested on his bed, with his wife secured within his strong arms. He was sleeping on his right side, holding (Y/N) close to his chest as she laid on her left side. His breathing was steady and calm. It was during these moments where even the Great Madara would look so peaceful and at ease, not like his usual self who is always tense and ready to fight anyone who dared to be a threat towards the village and his family. (Y/N) slowly woke up and blinked a few times, rubbing her sweet eyes with her small right hand before a smile appeared on to her soft lips. Her (E/C) orbs were savouring the very view of her husband's peaceful sleeping form. She carefully moved a strand of his bangs to the back of his left ear before placing her hand on his cheek, caressing it with love, still being careful not to wake him up.

But, being the careful and strong shinobi he is, he had stirred in his sleep, feeling even the faintest movement that his wife made, especially those soft traces on his face. "Hn.." he mumbled which cause her to smile and whispered, "Easy, love.. it is just me," whilst stroking his cheek with her thumb gently. His body relaxed and this time, she was unwrapping herself from his embrace, trying her best to make small movements. When she finally freed herself, she sat up from the bed and was about to head to the bathroom before his deep voice halted her legs.

"(Y/N) Don't you think it is still early for you to wake up? Especially this is a day off for both of us." He queried, opening one of his onyx eyes and searched the dark room for his wife's figure. "Well, I want to make today to be an enjoyable holiday for you, for us." She replied with a smile. "You can go back to sleep, Mada. I am just going to wash my face and then prepare a  breakfast for us." He just hummed as a reply to his wife and rolled onto his bare stomach, burying his handsome face to his fluffy pillow and closed his eyes once again drifting into his peaceful slumber. The female's eyes softened when she saw her husband falling asleep again. Then, she slipped herself into the bathroom and took a quick bath. After she finished, she put on a towel around her body, showing every curves that she has on it perfectly as she wrapped another towel around her hair to dry it. She stepped out into their shared bedroom, bringing her fresh scent into the room. It sure had reached Madara's nostril. It can be seen by how he stirred in his sleep. She giggled to herself quietly as she began to dress herself up into a black kimono with sakura flowers embed on the fine cloth's surface that went along from her stomach to her legs. There is also The Uchiha Clan's sign embed on the back of her beautiful kimono.

Soon, her legs carried her into the kitchen and she began to prepare the breakfast for her lovely family. A family that could be listed as one of the most dangerous and feared families as the head of the family was the Legendary Uchiha himself. Even (Y/N) herself was amongst the strongest Uchiha's kunoichi. How did she manage to get so lucky to marry Madara? Well, that would be a story for another time. (Y/N) Prepared inarizushi and a few onigiri for their breakfast as Madara and their son loved inarizushi so much. Their child sure had taken a lot from Madara except for his nose, and lips which are like his mother's. (S/N)'s eyes have the shape like his mother's but the colour was totally taken from his father's onyx ones. His hair's jetblack like his father's but his hairstyle was short spikes. Maybe when he is older he would let it grow like his father's, holding onto their way where they would only cut their hair when they lose a battle.

Just as (Y/N) was about to give a finishing touch to the meals, Madara sneaked his arms around his wife's waist from behind and placed his chin on her right shoulder, peeking her skillful work on the meals. "The inarizushi's smell woke me up.." he told her in his still sleepy voice. "Oh ya? I thought it was screaming out to you." she giggled as she kept working on the food. "Maybe, but I was dreaming about my queen and I which is why I didn't hear the scream," he chuckled softly. "Aww, Mada~ have you washed your face and teeth? If you haven't please do so before eating and could you please fetch our little prince?" She asked him with a soft smile as she turned her face to place a kiss on his cheek.

The Child's Choice {Daddy! Madara x Mommy! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now