(Familiar) Chapter 1

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*Alarm clock rings*

Gusion P.O.V.
''Ohh. What time is it''gusion said as he looks at the alarm clock''Shocks Iam late again it 6am''Gusion quickly grab his outfit and were it. He went down stairs of his house and grab his lunch and bag and says goodbye to his parents and run outside of his house.

While gusion was running he bumped into someone and he stop and looks at the person who is trying to stand. Gusion help the woman whos trying to stand. While gusion is helping the women to stand he apoliges to the women ''oh hey whats ur name'' gusion asked ''well iam lesley iー" gusion cut of lesleys word "oh Lesley remember me gusion ur child hood friend''gusion said. And lesley was shock ''gusion is that u!??''
Lesley said as he hug gusion and gusion hugs her back ''hey les where are u studying '' gusion ask lesley as he cut their hug ''well iam studying to the MLBB Legend School''(I JUST MADE UP SCHOOL NAME SO DONT MIND ME LOL) lesley said ''what I also studied their. Well lets start walking before we get late'' gusion said as they start to walk towards the school

While they are walking silently.
Gusion brake the silent ''hey less are you new to our school cause yesterday was the first day and i have nt seen you'' gusion said ''Well u know i was absent and thats why''lesley replied to gusion ''hey les whats ur section ???'' Gusion ask curiously ''Well section Mythic''(section mythic is for smart students ) lesleys reply to gussion
''What were classmates!!!'' Gusion said as he was so suprise and exited

*In the Class Room*

As we enter the class room we heard some student react to lesley

New class mate
Wow new student
Is she smart
She looks nerd

''Hey les seat beside me cause no one sitting next to me'' gusion said
''Ok ur the only person i could trust'' Lesley said in a sad voic
''Are u okay'' gusion ask in a worry tone ''yeah'' lesley said in a sarcastic voice ''les i know ur not okay tell me pls '' gusion ask like a worried father ''No'' Lesley said in a low voice aftwr 2 seconds lesley began to cry '' les tell whats wrong '' gusion said in really worried tone '' Our classmate is bullying me '' lesley said while crying on her desk. While Lesley crying gusion immediately hug lesley and lesley is now blushing cause way back before Lesley has a crush on gusion
Little do she know gusion also has a crush on her

*Recess Time*

Gusion P.O.V.
''Hey les what do you want ill pay for it''gusion said ''really okay i wamt milk shake amd you'' lesley said as she realize she said YOU. Gusion suddenly blush hard and Lesly also blush. And lesley turn invisible and start running away from him but lesley doesnt know that gusion is following her

While lesley found a spot that gusion cant see her. She then realize that someone was their behind her then while she








Why are u still scrolling

Sorry guys but iam gonna live it clift hang cause i wanna tell you that its not gusion so pls vote and if u found out my old account that wasnt me cause some body hack it or just my cousin using it so guys see guys bye and peace

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