A Fresh Start ~ LukeIsNotSexy Fanfic

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My name is Catherine O' Reilly, I'm 16 and I'm from county Monaghan in Ireland. My mam has a friend and her son is called BriBry and yes he is a YouTuber. Ever since i was small I wanted to move from Ireland and I was always good friends with BriBry. Last summer he announced that he is going to be moving to Sheffield and that he would be living near Luke (LukeIsNotSexy), Jason (VeeOneEye), Patty (Patty Walters) and Karim (KarimAbridged). Soon after we came to an agrrement that i would be moving with BriBry. That brings us to today! 

'Come on Cathy, are you ready yet?' I heard BriBy cry.

'Nearly, I'm just finishing up.' I lied. I'm sitting on my bed thinking if I should move or not. I finally got up and walked downstairs. Mam gave me a hug and said 'No matter what you do, you tell me about everything and no matter who offers you a cup of tea say no because I'm your Mammy and thats my job' and she let out a tear. ' Please dont cry' I said to her. After we said our goodbyes,  Bribry and me headed off.

'Cathy, you're like a sister to me, I dont want anything to happen to you so please be careful here. Its nothing like Monaghan.Ok?' I turned to Bribry 'Yes, I'll be fine!' I said smiling. 'Oh and no going 'round shifting or shagging boys' He winked at me. 'BRIBRY! No promises' I laughed.

While we were on the ferry I got a text from Leon, my boyfriend.

L-  Well, whats the craic?Are in Sheffield yet? Are you okay? Is there any boys there?Babe, are they hitting on you? xo

C- Leon, calm down xD im on the ferry now, I'll text you when i get there. Stop worring hun xx

L- Okayyyy :P sorry i dont want you cheating on me <3!! i love you, Catherine Ann O' Reilly, bye xx

C- I love you too xx

Bribry saw I was texting Leon. 

He looked me right in the eye ' Please break up with him'

'I am not going to break up with Leon just because you dont like him!' I basically shouted at him.

'Its not becasue I dont like him its because hes a man-whore.'

'You dont know him well en-'

'I do, believe me.'

'Finally we're here!!' I thought. We got our bags and suitcases and started walking. 

Sexting by Blood on the Dance Floor started playing from BriBry's phone. I burst into laughter at this. He answered his phone and him and this person we're talking for a while. Eventually, they finished.

Bribry called a taxi over and give him directions. When we got out we were greeted by two boys, one was American and one was well gorgeous!! ' Im Patty and this is Luke' said the American one. 'hey I'm Cathy.' I smiled We all went up to an apartment and got some pizza.  

I walked into the kitchen to get some coke when I over heard Luke say to Patty ' She is really pretty!!' I kept thinking of what Luke said then it clicked that Luke probably has a girlfriend and he was calling her pretty. I dont know why but at the thought of that it felt like my heart was broken.

Later on we said our good byes and went to bed. All I could think of was Luke. His voice, his laugh, his face, his sense of humour, everything.

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