The One With The Fireworks

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authors note: hey guys! I hope you enjoy this little oneshot to kick off this new book of mine. this features a drunk Chandler. I don't think there will be any smut/trigger warnings however I shall let you know if they come up. from one sunflower to another: enjoy part one! *salutes in the true British fashion*

Joeys Pic
I was laying in bed thinking of Chandler. I was starting to get so worried. He hadn't called or been home in over 13 hours. he never normally stays out past 7pm.... unless.... he had a date he didn't tell me about?? I was so disappointed. I love Chandler (probably a bit more than a platonic friend should) with his silly jokes and cute laugh and that smile.... oh my lord that smile kills me every time. sometimes when he has a girl over (once in a blue moon) I start to feel sad. when she kisses him goodbye and the way she touches his arm.... knowing I'll never be the one to do those things to him breaks my heart. I'll never be the one to hold him close at night or the one to kiss his amazing lips or the one to call him mine. I'll never be more than his annoying friend Joey. I went to Chandlers room to think. I stood in the doorway and stared at hjs bed. it looked amazing, just thinking of what i could do to him on that mattress... i could make him scream.... but i never would. i can barely admit to my self that i am pansexual, never mind tell Chandler... Just as the first few tears began to fall from my eyes, I heard a scraping then a thud at our front door.

thinking it was a murderer or something I flew out of bed, wiping away my tears. I scramble about and find my old hockey gear, my helmet and stick. I nervously approach the front door and crack it open. Chandler, clearly hammered out of his mind, is lying on the floor of the corridor.
"hey you got it open!" he yelled, holding his arms out.
"shut up man!" I whisper shouted "it's like midnight!!"
he giggled at that and tried to stand up, but failed
"woah oh oh!" he laughed "bit wobbly there!!" he cracked up laughing. Just seeing him smile and laugh there made me laugh too. but I had to move him before he woke the girls. so, I picked him up bridal style and carried him into our apartment.

As I sat him on his bed, he pulled me closer. so close I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"dude, you stink. Maybe we should shower you??" I was centimetres away from touching his nose and lips.
"no, Joey. I want to talk". I opened my mouth to say something, but he put his finger over my mouth and shushed me. "not you, me. now. i have had a LOT of alcohol tonight but I think I am fairly certain of something. I think I'm gay, man."
I was shocked. happy but shocked.
"man, that's just the alcohol talking." I replied trying to make light of the situation. Then, Chandler hit me with a look.
"Nah, man" he spurred on "I was at a gay bar tonight, okay. I did things with men.... things that I never would dream I would enjoy. and I felt the best I've felt in ages. it made me realise Joey Francis Tribbiani that I love you." he beamed up at me.

I was shocked and thrilled. finally, the man I loved told me he loved me back!!! I took the opportunity and leaned down. Our lips met and I swear there were fireworks...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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